Monday, April 21, 2008

Writing Prayers Of The Faithful For A Wedding


was so, after 9 weeks of pain - I know I'm stupid! - I am now even to the doctor who diagnosed tendonitis * sigh *
must now take to the supply store and get as a bandage and pain killers I have to * double-sigh *

The study was short in itself, but damn painful! Had to make a fist and then the dear uncle pressed doctor my wrist to the side and I could just have such a loud 'OW! " . Resist

If it is not better in three weeks, you have any columns or so. I just hope that it will be better, but I do not have much hope. I
'll go on working and since I work in a nursing home, the hand - even the rights and I'm right - yes, yet somehow always associated something.

Nya, simply wait, which is now out of it.

And my wrist still hurts * grumbling *