Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Blueprints Arrow Spine Tester

good mood to take away

night people like me in society misfits. Our World does one based on early bird principle. And although I am mostly very successfully defend against university events before the very early morning for me lunch, I could not prevent an event: Russian lessons to NINE CLOCK IN THE MORNING! to take part because I insisted did at his own request in the highest price, even though I am because of my grammar skills listed in the second-most (I've since due to practical good language skills alittle bit bored), bite me so every Thursday morning in the bitter " Eight-Clock-morning-Get Up-apple ". I translate that ma just for fitting into the social framework of the average citizen: dat is for I sort of like you for two or three clock out at night from the springs and fresh and cheerful shine against the still non-existent day ...

Mach erstma So my beloved radio with the situation now for the survival-in music. But instead I only catch those pesky advertisements that promised me a good mood by eating a McDonald's breakfast. The following is a very vivid description that makes a real run together at this ungodly time, the water in the mouth. The culmination is the final slogan: ".! Breakfast at McDonald's do not oversleep the good mood" (exclamation point is important, non-advertising speaks, she screams).

course, I got up too late and now rushing through the room during the sentence still reverberates in my ears. slept a good mood ... so, I think to myself, if you're on speed is probably sleeping ... but what is absolutely good vehicle for humor. Well for me at least ...

Regardless, I think to myself, no time to Rumphilosphieren. Smack me briefly is the Zeuch's face it - I think - to restore my looks and join me on the socks, the coffee in my favorite Starbucks Matryoshka holding cup in his right hand. Yes I need something that causes my eyelids to yield non. Shortly before the finish (front door of Slavic Studies Faculty) seems to me a my fellow students towards me and announced the good news actually: lessons from falls!. An hour earlier it would have been a valuable information. What then should we begin with the findings (?) Time that could have been better spent sleeping? Back in the spring sounds too tempting, but I have to fulfill a mission: to pick up Metro-student ticket. An event which I've been feverishly awaiting. Because for busy metro riders like me can go the absence of such a piece of gold ticket a little expensive.

New motivation drawn I walk to the Metro station. Around 9:30 I'm at the counter in anticipation. With a disapproving glance I will refer to the time. Such kind of pick slips are accepted until 10:00. I deal with my disappointment and the approach of any irritation and anger in a friendly smile and thank you for the information (this psychological tactic does happen from time to time better), even if this is the lady, probably non-affected in the slightest. You are working is tired and needs. I can understand well. Had no fixed true on so nen job ... is it ...

reports at this point, my empty stomach on sound. Had him in favor of early education and scheduled my "Better-Long-Sleeping-attitude" completely neglected. In my mind's eye is a McDonald's breakfast past me and shouted me a "sleepy not the good mood" contrary. So I piligere diagonally opposite to the "Auchan" (large shopping center - from the Russians probably not due to existing knowledge of French "Ashan" called - that we name after on the first floor there be loaded). The third floor of the restaurant / fast food-mile promises me a good mood. And frankly I have a little support in terms of positive thinking is sorely needed. So why not. But the project gives me a grin that one or the other is able to irritate well. Of the McDonald's counter order I'm looking feverishly for the advertised copy of "McDonald's breakfast". Hm, weird. Can see it anywhere. The solution: "With us there's no breakfast." WHAT? My blood pressure rises. When a heart patient that would be a hundred percent certainty was an infarct. My inner feelings I swallow a few minutes later, down with a Coke and a McChicken. I eat from time homicide reasons snail's pace and watch the way the guest-worker harassment bemittleidenswerter cleaners. As in Germany, I think to myself. The same minor. The aliens do the jobs asshole (unfortunately possible to give non-different) and will be treated as just that. Not infrequently, people who have enjoyed in their country a higher education. Here they are often at the mercy a brain-amputated delivered by dubious business of money-down, with a bunch of complexes offset boss who exploited his power to the fullest. Now this is more of a Russian phenomenon. I've christened "small-scale power-exploited". Read more but maybe another time ..

Back at Metro, I switch the rich lady who appears surprised by my clear after such a short time repeated appearance, pick up my towel. After prolonged rummaging in a scrap of paper and envelopes with any container filled me explain this in Soviet-friendly that there is nothing there. After further extensive search she gives me just my completed application with the words "Because you have forgotten your student ID number to write" back. My nervous condition after taken from my brain this information is difficult to put into words. I breathe deeply. Again. (I know that this stupid mop before TWO solid weeks sent for processing, was carefully checked this or any other lady for errors and omissions. When I asked out two weeks previously, was confirmed to me very faithfully represent the completeness of my application . According to Soviet code of conduct which one should best learn fast, is an indication of an error by the other party (which sits on more leverage), a no-go. exciting way, too.) I take up all my strength that prevents me durchzudrehn good and fill in the missing number. The thing is see through to actually not be so easy, as there are also lines accordingly, should be left empty. Basically, it would suggest this note at the university to teach as a minor. Once again I take a deep breath and prepare myself for my last show of strength: the "All-existing radical ease-taking together-And-In-The-O-creep" * gg *... we all know what is actually meant here (try strong language to keep low ... who knows who else reads this here ...* lol *). For I know that one out of applying for a student card, proving that you study, even the passport, which proves that the person be predetermined, has officer. I drag this out - I think - for obvious reasons not around with me (though not functioning Russian law requires this to me). A GERMAN stolen passport in Russia is no joke. Unfortunately, I'm not aming the mal ne copy. What has happened now so I could really anticipate non. I put my words to the end of the completed application plus student ID to Lilliputanerfenster and hope for a miracle. "And your passport?" Shit. So I explain to the woman in Engelston that I've traveled long way NEN (lied of course completely) and this is an unexpected situation me. That is yet to see on my student ID my photo. That I have presented my passport but two weeks ago. (Absurd situation when you know you can falsify such documents easily in Russia at very affordable price) I call on your humanity and put my naive "good-girl-view". This will entail. Got me briefly in the balance, their "five minutes of power", which I do not begrudge her the rest, savor snorts, then resigned emphasized, in the end there but then as a noble savior and accepts my application. Mission accomplished. "Just" wait another two weeks to ticket, instead of making you cover the administrative procedures of the new. The saves me at least a week and a lot of nerves. * * Schweißvonstirnwegwisch

sets after this masterpiece of my hand, then a good mood even without a McDonald's breakfast. Here in Russia you learn to really appreciate the obvious. I can not find it bad. .. Russia - the "little-things-big-country))