Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Have A Mole That Hurts

slobber @ 2010-04-29T21: 30:00

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Twins Implantation Bleeds

I look that stupid yes but not out ...

... in the clothes. # 5448416158837520402

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cute Emblem In Ragnarok

And again a Blog Post ...

The reader may have noticed that this does not soo much - for various reasons:) I try on yet and at what times of mir hören zu lassen..especially für meine liebe K ;)

Das Semester hat wieder begonnen und ich bin motiviert. Habe dieses Semester nur 3 maximal 4 Kurse... Klingt wenig aber ist trotzdem viel Arbeit - ich bin aber zuversichtlich und habe aus dem letzten Semester meine Bilanz gezogen :) Außerdem muss ich nebenher ja auch noch arbeiten. MAl schauen, wie ich das regel, denn ich muss ja 3x durchschnittlich die WOche antanzen..Was schon mal schlecht geht weil ich nur 2 Abende frei hab, an den anderen hab ich Kurse, teilweise sogar mit Anwesenheitspflicht. Wenn ich GLück hab wird die Vorlesung Montags Abends wieder von der Fachschaft aufgezeichnet, dann geht das..Wenn nicht, muss ich mal schauen wie das gelöst wird. Zur Not muss ich meinen Dissolve the contract again, argrrrr! We'll see;)

have otherwise as I did yesterday and spent a great day Blausteinsee in Eschweiler, near here. I had ordered a while ago already for both of us inline skates. I for one was already time to such things is not as sure. After an adjustment period here in the yard I then yesterday determined that we will go to the said lake .. 10km around the lake - sounds exciting:)
Wars, unfortunately, rather less, because the skate and bike route continues oberhal and one of the lake in itself is not much unaware of. Down by the lake, you can not skate but unfortunately it only running or cycling, even if that is not allowed : D In the end we finally made only 2 km, but this lasted eeeewig stop because every 10m as a "pause" needed .. Anyway .. the end, a quite beautiful and successful day, even if the water is still, admittedly, was very cold.
proof photos are here:

My Cowboy on wheels .. Mind you, the my brave hat and what is not able to recognize the ear in his mouth xD

The picture is great - looks . like summer, this songwriter until April: D

Sun now I say goodbye again and make me to the house-cleaning - removing chaos from a friend or something * g * Do everything must be done .... Actually yes I want to throw in the sun but since Peter gave me a spanner in the works: fog and clouds at 8 ° .. Well thank you too!