Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Period Affect Running

Almost forgot!

Now I almost went to bed without telling what happened today is mad.
So ... was just on the laptop and I heard a huge bang in the stairwell. Sounded as if someone crashed with something. So I get out to check on ...

But no one was in the stairwell. Looked down and saw only: Everything white!
white? I then went down stairs and the whole house was covered with a white layer and in the door of my neighbor shone a hole. Drinne naturally wild confused talk.
course I knocked and sought after. Inside it was even whiter than a snow ball no one had noticed the hole. What had happened?

My neighbor took her little cabinet resolved directly beside the front door, while you probably fell down ne box. This box is then probably popped to the fire extinguisher and it is then blown up and shot through the door. Hammer, right?
Just imagine me, as if someone had been standing ... the thing were you go directly through the abdomen * scary * Fortunately, no one became injured but we all had headaches in the house after the incident. Probably because of the heavy mist of the fire extinguisher stuff. Yesterday on the

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Program Soccer Predictions

is sad ...

Christmas market and has been found NOT ONE snow globe. HELLO? Christmas market!! If not where else? That makes me really depressing T__T Maybe have someone paint me a picture of ner snow globe as a birthday gift
xD Oh man ... that a great idea for a fanart competition is running * grin * To Animexx and WB opens up ... and since he is already:

I will now go to click on the pokemon and then continue to tinker FF. Let's see whether the part is completed so far today.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Still's Disease Brain Fog

Today ...

is my colleague [good reason] do not report to work and so I became aware once again how difficult is to stand an entire primary school class alone against. Have you ever tried to be simultaneously at 20 locations?

After work [at half past four] I then went home. The temperatures were so pretty comfortable that it had to directly take advantage of times. On the way then my battery from the MP3 player went blank and the full force of the environmental hit me xD
Too lazy to slot in but the headphones from his ears, my environment anscheind thought that I would not notice ... so I have learned that Marie's father is said to be well invested pedophile and Kitty [no clue what will be the ne abbreviation] is said to have more warts between the thighs. Well, Kitty will look destined to learn that * lol * In any case: Always fun to tell you how freely people when they think that they can not listen.

Now I have just eaten and now I'm seriously thinking on whether I should go to bed ... is so tired ...
on Christmas morning market wants. Need a new purse and I hope some beautiful snow globes for my collections. Jaha ... Collect snow globes ... that reminds me: In two weeks, a birthday!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Warmest Type Of Blanket

The last weekend!

came last weekend Stiffy [cracked for some time on the train of musical Süchtis] down from Lower Saxony to jump twice in the musical "The Buddy Holly Story" to go to dinner. Of course we have not let us then take to take a brief shopping trip to Holland.
NO, we did not buy drugs. Shame on you to think something xD
No, no cigarettes were also our goal. We wanted coffee and tea for mother ^ __ ^ You are our brave kids! We therefore

into GAS CAR - down [\u0026lt;inside joke] to Holland, then took half an hour from Duisburg to Venlo. At the last traffic light before it then went into the business district, the horror. The traffic light is at this point appear pretty stupid to come, maybe three cars over a green.
We were about 300 yards away and needed no less than: 25 MINUTES to come across. Is not it hard? 25 minutes for 300 meters * drop *
has now then it started to rain and of course the tea that my mother wanted so much, there was not even then.

Another annoying thing [I have ordered it on the Internet] was then the cell phone bill. Of course I had expected a slightly higher bill, as I last month had to call several times to Greece, but here I must really commend times T-Mobile, only 30 cents per minute. The shock was then the famous 11880, which I had called on our bike tour for three minutes to get the number of a hostel. The costs for these three minutes: 6 Euro
I find really quite a sum T__T The hammer can really help in the future who they want but can not be guaranteed me.

What is "Bis (s) at the end of eternity" is concerned, should actually come last weekend, the next part, but since Stiffy was there, we had to do as I said other than us to deal with scribble.
Have now a new page for the bis (s) Tools ... which still has to go online ... Like so many other