Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Period Affect Running

Almost forgot!

Now I almost went to bed without telling what happened today is mad.
So ... was just on the laptop and I heard a huge bang in the stairwell. Sounded as if someone crashed with something. So I get out to check on ...

But no one was in the stairwell. Looked down and saw only: Everything white!
white? I then went down stairs and the whole house was covered with a white layer and in the door of my neighbor shone a hole. Drinne naturally wild confused talk.
course I knocked and sought after. Inside it was even whiter than a snow ball no one had noticed the hole. What had happened?

My neighbor took her little cabinet resolved directly beside the front door, while you probably fell down ne box. This box is then probably popped to the fire extinguisher and it is then blown up and shot through the door. Hammer, right?
Just imagine me, as if someone had been standing ... the thing were you go directly through the abdomen * scary * Fortunately, no one became injured but we all had headaches in the house after the incident. Probably because of the heavy mist of the fire extinguisher stuff. Yesterday on the


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