Friday, November 20, 2009

Still's Disease Brain Fog

Today ...

is my colleague [good reason] do not report to work and so I became aware once again how difficult is to stand an entire primary school class alone against. Have you ever tried to be simultaneously at 20 locations?

After work [at half past four] I then went home. The temperatures were so pretty comfortable that it had to directly take advantage of times. On the way then my battery from the MP3 player went blank and the full force of the environmental hit me xD
Too lazy to slot in but the headphones from his ears, my environment anscheind thought that I would not notice ... so I have learned that Marie's father is said to be well invested pedophile and Kitty [no clue what will be the ne abbreviation] is said to have more warts between the thighs. Well, Kitty will look destined to learn that * lol * In any case: Always fun to tell you how freely people when they think that they can not listen.

Now I have just eaten and now I'm seriously thinking on whether I should go to bed ... is so tired ...
on Christmas morning market wants. Need a new purse and I hope some beautiful snow globes for my collections. Jaha ... Collect snow globes ... that reminds me: In two weeks, a birthday!


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