Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mount And Blade Cars Mod

slobber @ 2010-01-31T12: 15:00

Yesterday we were at the carnival. Next year I'll go first to the After-Party. That's just not my world. And the jokes are sooo bad.

But Bobble necessarily want to dress appropriately for the topic.
Stone Age. The best costume that is to be awarded.

He was not against Cindy aus Marzahn, and out of Bessingen. If one stands with Bobble size next to a large man dressed in pink you have no chance.
But he has a medal to get anyway.

And because it was so cold that day and disgusting and I have given me so much trouble, you also get a small history of photography.
We went on a little trip.

Bobble want to be desperate to build a snowman. Since he has but because of its small size, no strength for it, it stuck with me.

He would, meanwhile, are looking for something suitable for the snowman's face.

The search was unsuccessful.

Och Bobble, but not the Italian designer scarf

my scarf? No, we can not. Since one does so, that I have no collar.

The changeable with the cut I do not now. Since I'm on it can not be bothered. This will take forever. This is the same every time Sch **** if I make paragraphs.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Tech Deck Live Anmelden

sumpfkaelbchen @ 2010-01-30T12: 50:00

DI rattled by merciless. Even if the sight - SO had not expected to drastically ihc.
LA .. I should have bestheen Have I not, unless the 2 Correct item will be low, but what he is not 100% pure. Well ...

I'm going to do now housework to respond to me ...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Prevent My Pomeranian From Having Seizures

sumpfkaelbchen @ 2010-01-28T08: 34:00

Thank you for your nice comments, moreover, what my Study change, etc pp regards:)
It is always good in such moments, other than their own positions to know.

meantime I found out that a change is not as simple as possible. And then anyway, only in WAS again .. Kowi Although NC seems to be limited-but in the end is apparently (thanks to the latest replacement candidate) but taken any. At least, the echoes from all corners. Hm

However .. Today I have my English "homework" give and Saturday are as stated in both math exams. Meanwhile, I'm relaxed and have no idea where it came from. Ultimately, I can not care as long as it remains so. I think "More is not to fail as before." I've done enough for math when I look around me so probably not the last time. But can try mans yes anyway, right? Today I'm going
to do well and unfortunately have to work today but also tomorrow and I'll probably do again properly and write, especially my 5 A4 pages of notes that I may have for each exam on Saturday.

In my research is about changing me, moreover, become again much more clearly how we are elitist oO Our program was so small from the beginning with ~ 90 people ... But the fact that half of them have stopped or changed once again I found krass .. .. And before the first exams Hm, Well .... Elitist Bitch Queen or so;)

More than not I can try and if I hold absolutely everywhere by rushing .. Well ... then I look at what I do. Looks like it! Thanks again to you;)

Meanwhile, I sit at my Englischkrams who finished up at 11:45 is essential - and for which I already have soooo much done so far * g *... NOT!

Windows Live Messenger Internal Error 302


Okay ... what is there to do?

- living room: cleaning out closets
- Bedrooms: cleaning out closets
- kitchen cabinets clean out / to be running canned look

- Bis (s) revise
- least of all a of the new ideas to paper
- Buzz [internal]
- Snow Globes with place and date paste
- flower pot vice
- wolf and dragon puzzle in the bedroom hanging
- make a new library card can
- CD's sort
- smaller chamber cleaning out
- muck chamber floor
- assign papers
- paste commemorative albums
- - sort photos
puzzle in the basement bring

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kates Playground 2009 Gallery

Monday, 25/01/2010

Am 25.01. my contract ends. Rather, from 26 I am full-time unemployed! Really I can not believe it. It's been really shitty if you though you would like to continue to occupy the money but unfortunately does not exist.
Honestly, I have no idea how it will be now to suddenly have a lot less money ...

girlfriend: You would rather starve than to give up the Internet.
Me: * grins *
friend: If you missed so much make up on the net, but just ne paypal donation: "Bring back Little blaze on the Internet!"
I: * * tipping

Am quite curious about what's great ideas for the employment office, if I have to go. In any shit I let put me not to ... work as a retirement home, it would do nothing for me. For next year, I've also been a commitment ... But a year suddenly much less money to get along, will already be the purest sample hardness.

PS: I am sure a list of "To do" have to do things!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bonefish Grill Server

Since I had to laugh very