Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kates Playground 2009 Gallery

Monday, 25/01/2010

Am 25.01. my contract ends. Rather, from 26 I am full-time unemployed! Really I can not believe it. It's been really shitty if you though you would like to continue to occupy the money but unfortunately does not exist.
Honestly, I have no idea how it will be now to suddenly have a lot less money ...

girlfriend: You would rather starve than to give up the Internet.
Me: * grins *
friend: If you missed so much make up on the net, but just ne paypal donation: "Bring back Little blaze on the Internet!"
I: * * tipping

Am quite curious about what's great ideas for the employment office, if I have to go. In any shit I let put me not to ... work as a retirement home, it would do nothing for me. For next year, I've also been a commitment ... But a year suddenly much less money to get along, will already be the purest sample hardness.

PS: I am sure a list of "To do" have to do things!


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