Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Anaemia After Cesarean Section

sumpfkaelbchen @ 2010-02-24T09: 54:00

I find it a little shameless .. It is quite warm out there (sure, after all Snow: D ), And until now there was also sun, but now she hides behind gray clouds again! : / I certainly hope that it will muuuch sunny and soon! . Take)
(achja. Heuschnupfenkrams yes .. I sit again at the open window * g *)

that as it ... Anyway, I'll probably not take notes physics .. This is not to somehow, what I very frustrating find: / Well. Less
frustrating, but I find it motivating the bonding catalog last year. Actually, I wanted there, but somehow got ego but then verpeilt. In any case, the catalog was here and I'm really surprised at which companies and especially how many of my course is known yet, and which tear me for the very poor would (or something similar). The motivation then still more, to sit at math. I have now bought clever books (thank you again for the tip with the Yellow arithmetic book;)) and the days again begin sfzt * Something * muuuuss but work .. Btw: I am chemistry durchgerauscht.GRMPF with 17 needed from 18 points!

Well .. fast times from the shower, take off clothes, towels, throw in the washing machine, clean, wash, work, go to Benny =)

And with you like that?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Makeup For Sensitive Eyes

It is a bit of spring

Shortly before nine, and I write a blog entry, yay ^ ^
Nja well, but the alarm has been 7:30 rang and I pressed every 5 minutes on the Snooize (or affectionately called "snout") button: D

equal may I return home, my little man is still in bed .... I'd like too but then we are certainly going on today in time.

I mention on here know that I now have my contract in the bag? :) Feineee the matter, however, changes from her salary about nothing because I am with my sweet content that is already allowed to pay into the pension fund ... Well what the hell, right? At some point, I'm lookin dadrüber;)

Otherwise, today money is squandered or a little 'shopped. I would have preferred to clothes shopping but I think this budget is not enough today .. We'll see. In any case, I'm looking forward to again in the center of Bochum at once - would hardly have thought that to say. But old-known is well known, beautiful;)

I wanted today, namely, my cell phone today for the umpteenth complaint time at O2, but did this time * finally * thought about it, take the paper, but forgotten for me to pack a spare cell phone We see .. ^ ^

be otherwise enjoy a short trip Mayersche .. A book for the university (or better for math, no matter whether I write now this semester again or until next year!), a book for me (once , see if I manage * g * Since the university I read almost no more). Vll even a short visit in order to Saturn PC games ... Otherwise, go to DM (Grooooooßeinkauf) and Asi on the toaster, because: The spring is coming. Very timid and quiet, but he is .... How do I tell? Well ... 1. is no more snow and 2 I could then yesterday for the first time this year once again throw my hay fever tablet ... yay ... But hey .. When the sun finally comes! I do also;)

Oh .... now I'm rattled by almost by all exams ... I'm not sure yet whether I should make psychology as the only exam this semester or if I am still of Physics and Math (repeat) .. torment physics I thought, but I'll get somehow kills me all the stuff. The common is that the formulas I can, but I can not move anyway, as I "needed oO Very frustrating .. Let's see ...

So I make my views from the field and then reward myself afterwards with a Starbucks coffee I have ever not had sooooo:) See you then!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What Are The Procedure To Construct Apartment


So, if then there are in Giessen, sometime in April, I got me the following scenario: Nina and Tschö ; nni. And I did. I'd say take us for a full weekend and make us a plan where we go as, so that we do see each Dino.