Sunday, February 21, 2010

Makeup For Sensitive Eyes

It is a bit of spring

Shortly before nine, and I write a blog entry, yay ^ ^
Nja well, but the alarm has been 7:30 rang and I pressed every 5 minutes on the Snooize (or affectionately called "snout") button: D

equal may I return home, my little man is still in bed .... I'd like too but then we are certainly going on today in time.

I mention on here know that I now have my contract in the bag? :) Feineee the matter, however, changes from her salary about nothing because I am with my sweet content that is already allowed to pay into the pension fund ... Well what the hell, right? At some point, I'm lookin dadrüber;)

Otherwise, today money is squandered or a little 'shopped. I would have preferred to clothes shopping but I think this budget is not enough today .. We'll see. In any case, I'm looking forward to again in the center of Bochum at once - would hardly have thought that to say. But old-known is well known, beautiful;)

I wanted today, namely, my cell phone today for the umpteenth complaint time at O2, but did this time * finally * thought about it, take the paper, but forgotten for me to pack a spare cell phone We see .. ^ ^

be otherwise enjoy a short trip Mayersche .. A book for the university (or better for math, no matter whether I write now this semester again or until next year!), a book for me (once , see if I manage * g * Since the university I read almost no more). Vll even a short visit in order to Saturn PC games ... Otherwise, go to DM (Grooooooßeinkauf) and Asi on the toaster, because: The spring is coming. Very timid and quiet, but he is .... How do I tell? Well ... 1. is no more snow and 2 I could then yesterday for the first time this year once again throw my hay fever tablet ... yay ... But hey .. When the sun finally comes! I do also;)

Oh .... now I'm rattled by almost by all exams ... I'm not sure yet whether I should make psychology as the only exam this semester or if I am still of Physics and Math (repeat) .. torment physics I thought, but I'll get somehow kills me all the stuff. The common is that the formulas I can, but I can not move anyway, as I "needed oO Very frustrating .. Let's see ...

So I make my views from the field and then reward myself afterwards with a Starbucks coffee I have ever not had sooooo:) See you then!


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