Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ohio Drivers License Rescue Program

I got my license!

last week's was the first time in the theory, protective clothing, such as we do on them, how we wear it as tax offices ; filled a tree (that we have made theoretical, because we do not learn, but he shows us, because he knows that some will do it).
Most have spent this course only because of appearances, not because they can not. We were
only six, had never to do so, from about 25th I was one of them.

Friday night, theory, chain loops, the chain itself, care and maintenance. Then machine taken apart and cleaned, then reassembled. My comrade was one of those who needed just the ticket, why should I dared that. The trainer came and it was also to be taken good care of me. The man gave me the amount of 1.90 rolled up our sleeves. As I stood there, in one hand the combination wrench, the other reaching upward.

Saturday start time at 8:00 clock. It was Night snow. There were a few cm, the sun was shining and the forest was breathtaking. Ten minutes later we were in it and only put a dozen times around trees. So a tree is doing a very nice shock when falling.
(. My friend always says doll or worm to me, but he's allowed to, be he is the most senior and could be my father.) Eventually, he said: So are doll, now your turn. I had such panic, I trembled. I could start it, however, when 1.Mal. Later, I no longer get in ... The part is so hard and this vibration from the engine. I did ruckzuck hurt the arm, but my fear was cut after a few meters away and that was the goal. When removing branches, however, I'm a little too much throttle is given. The later I think I will not do that with a chain saw. This is too dangerous.
I've also caught only make a right.
My friend wanted to cut jammed out another and then have our pinched, too. The third stuck then, but the first could be solved.

I was often asked if I freeze ity. No. I had three tights, a few pairs of socks, a pair of jeans, the cut trouser, two turtlenecks, my uniform jacket and the men around me who complained it would be so cold.

I think I was at home at five, after we had cleaned the saw and get our certificates. I and the other female participant, however, must wait for ours, because they wrote Mr. woman on it rather than have

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Typical Deductible In Cgl Policy

Okay, Aunt Edith has had in coming

Oh Katrin .. The leather jacket has cost 4 €: D
(and I hope they keep very, very long time because I think they are absolutely cool: D)

Again, the upper part ...

Very much cooler (haha): The combination of sunglasses and leather jacket * g *

A silk top with large loop, also 3 € ... harr!

I said loop!

And yet what struck you?
.. Exactly I've just rearranged my room just ... Still looks like hell but is somehow better

The desk is now there, where before the wardrobe was .. The has moved easily and will soon be swapped with the shelf .... Also kinda cool

Achso .. almost forgot: Benny choo;)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wet Feet Nerve Damage

It took a while, K.

Yes I will see a yes, yes I will see one;)
flap not everything the way one imagines the know, yes; .)

Sun the day I was shopping with Babs has done quite well and I also get hold of some pieces - photos gives equal presentable when I'm done ^ ^

Sooo much here .. Unbelievable. No matter how much you make on the day, the next day there still something to do ^ ^ the same again washed 2 loads laundry, dusting and vacuuming, cleaning my balcony door, I ask the desk vll also to what, balcony scrub learn math .. , go to work. Oh cook something else before I starve again on the work of Snickers and I have to ^ ^ Oh and wash your sfzt * eat * see: It is not really boring.

now my laptop funzt again and I'm also again got Windows 7 after has not worked out here a lot and I wanted to put him again. Intermediate result was that I had Vista on it and my laptop but no longer wanted and I have seven Worry was that the memory in the ass would ... But no, lucky:) Just install Office, then everything is clean, yay =)

report otherwise indicates that the spring is wirklihc. Sonneee Sonnee Sonneee! Yesterday Ben and I have the weather here Aachen used properly and were a little decadent - but had to be sometimes ^ ^ gabs Crossaints for breakfast, fruit salad and coffee, and later white bread, yummy! Jaa =) We almost bought in Vaals still ice ^ ^

Well I'll get to work again, photos gives equal;)