Thursday, March 4, 2010

Typical Deductible In Cgl Policy

Okay, Aunt Edith has had in coming

Oh Katrin .. The leather jacket has cost 4 €: D
(and I hope they keep very, very long time because I think they are absolutely cool: D)

Again, the upper part ...

Very much cooler (haha): The combination of sunglasses and leather jacket * g *

A silk top with large loop, also 3 € ... harr!

I said loop!

And yet what struck you?
.. Exactly I've just rearranged my room just ... Still looks like hell but is somehow better

The desk is now there, where before the wardrobe was .. The has moved easily and will soon be swapped with the shelf .... Also kinda cool

Achso .. almost forgot: Benny choo;)


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