Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Contender Tool Box Lock

For some it is never too late))

Had a few hours, the greatest of all snowball fight my whole life long * gg *. My First. )) But I'll take it out of myself at this point of titling them as the best. Why not? There are also people who call their child Pepsi Karola and get away with it. In contrast, I'm harmless. * Gg *
How did it now so happy about this experience? Sandra just decorated her window - which incidentally also acts as a Fridge, I'm just allround)) - with their new colorful and almost overly kitschy lights. But only almost. Then she did not but inevitably being distracted by the bustle in the yard. Any people out there enjoyed themselves in life ... just because it had snowed again and the whole court (I suppose all of Moscow was able to check this ... yet) on a non of the , was hand-looking fat snowpack was able. Watch Sandra as the little people ran around and threw snow balls ...
appear in such moments your life just beautiful. In any case, me. Call it a quiet About surge of Christmas hormones or the like. But sometimes you just do not have much to happiness. It is there. Everywhere. * Gg * I looked so so and could not stop smiling. This had already started on the day when I was home from university and suddenly trickled down the white stuff in masses on me and all the other witnesses to this spectacle. I walked along the road and got the grin nothing around away. That was probably the girl toward me, grinning as well, as well. ... Oh yeah, Russia, thou winter wonderland ...)
And as I since so enviously looking down at breakneck pose on the windowsill balanced, precisely in order to mount this flashing thing of fairy lights, I had to learn that after my request drauss , s to run and once but so riiiichtig dig through the snow, was not alone. JOY. Thanks to this location to the inventor of the "Skype". Marek, our Polish Austrians (or vice versa ... but this does not matter present ma) wrote me that the short term, closer than a handful of German soldiers, to our sector B for vormitternachtliche snowball fight. Whether I would be interested? But helloooo !!!!! * Gg * So I swung myself unceremoniously into my fat down jacket (they came here for the first time in this country to use), scratched briefly Olaf from his Russian vocabulary and so we went together to the wildest battle of our lives (people, it Christmas is soon! A little pathos gg * must *). There so many other people were waiting for like-minded people. It was awesome, totally stupid. Played like little kids war. German to Russian. How about a war as is, also run by n few Men over. In the end we were a mixed group, but above all it was a field day. If I already know how great it is damn it, and especially how unerringly I am (they've finished off * gg *), I might have tried even earlier times. ... Maybe ...
After an hour the fun Ten (After enemy forces had to withdraw almost, because our army was simply viiiiel better), our midnight battle force (along the lines of "I head - you nothing!") Of in the control hut accommodated, and probably pretty frustrated militia disbanded. As was once again the "friend and helper" spoken. His word is law here, if you want to barter later no trouble. Well ... was nice but you still. For all I now every night! )) The photos were taken. Depending on the quality and access, I will as soon as I can make pure ma ... Again! ... Always happy ... yes, I can right again ... but ne .. . ma shall perhaps go to sleep ... the tu'n people so at this oh so un-Christian time ... Good night, good fight!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Side Effects Of Too Many Walnuts

strange experience on the night shift ...

I did again yesterday night shift and about 4 clock in the morning a scary experience. It was night (is on night shift just so, non-* lol *) and dark, because I can make the most of the lights.

I was on the second floor when I heard a cry. I could not assigning non, because it does not sound human, and her for a pet I know it did not sound too ...

I like this: * Scary *
So I'm in the stairwell, there was the outcry then * even louder * double-creepy and I thought "omg what is coming up the stairs"? * Scary *

Then there was a cat shot up, which has so screamed and it sounded really zero after calming cat. I only: * * waaaaahhh pulse to 180 ..

Fortunately it was ne dear all, has let petted and is after me ^ ^

gone So I took them down transported to the EC, opened the door and we stood together by 4 clock in the morning at the main entrance and have seen the snow.

Initially, groped them critically with a paw the snow and did not want to get out. After a minute she has but then decided to go and I was quiet again: D

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How Convection Works In Refrigerator

flocculates it.

Yesterday I could for the first time this beautiful sparkling crystal parts - also known as snow - see the Moscow sky trickle down. HACH. Dat was also times time. As it was so hot in September, I've already briefly doubted whether am I landed in the right country or whether the plane made a swing through the Caribbean and has left us as easy.

time for the snow I am also the same time, as is fitting for my sensitive immune system, a cold. Clean. Is grad rum ne flu season and I had already given the fact that she has avoided me ... Today I stayed home because of time and was driving the white viewing outdoors unfortunately only through the window of my sixth floor of. Nice people came to visit me and brought me all sorts of health-expectant past stuff. In such moments, his sick-sometimes quite enjoyable. )) ... Against a cold weekend, however, is a little inconvenient, tactically unwise and, understandably, rather disturbing. Therefore I do everything possible to be up tomorrow evening weggehtauglich. It may all existing thumbs down.)

With these words I ever thank you in advance, wish you good night (/ morning / afternoon depending on ... Latitude, ne) and say to me now quite a familiar language "Daswidanie!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Revlon Custom Creations Acne

All you need is Kai .. plum?

It seems to me now that I must first go abroad to acquaintances, friends or to make soul-mates. Said yes is a bit safer. I mean, now I live now been almost three years out of a suitcase in strange and yet so damn familiar cultures in parallel worlds away from what ... I got home my family and friends make it clear even to some extent could. Since it is only natural that you meet new people with whom you are so necessarily connected somehow feel ... people, who must also find their way through this emotional chaos of self-discovery ...

But I will not digress. Yesterday me is something completely unexpected happened to Tolles. Thought I'd get paid the night NEN little visit. Was, in my view more than I had expected. I danced as if it were my life and I felt again like twenty. Yes sounds from the pen of a twenty-four something unusual ... but who has ever studied as a German citizen in the Russian-speaking countries, will understand me. Here are all making their latest, with 22 already completed and are already married with a maximum of 24 if non already in anticipation of early stage ... yes or divorced again ... turn it's like you want, you FÜ hlt extremely old, when all students at least two to four years younger and run in the same semester.

But that is indeed the non-present, what I wanted out ... On the way home in the metro - verpeilt pretty, but I was still in top shape (Olaf slept the sleep of the righteous ... has taught me the way, still non-dancing .... the alphabet, most recently, he even denies it ever having been able ... dat is probably nothing more ...* gg *) - I led with the one (now) friend nor a stimulating conversation ... so one, which one gives himself so fully and completely and does not on its wider environment. Suddenly - I can not remember what it was - something directed at a fraction of a second off my view to the left ... I looked out again and could not quite believe my eyes ... I began to stare at that person right across from me, because I did not understand a short time ... confusion ... a short time later, it struck me like scales from his eyes, my old friend, whom I know from Minsk, who is from Berlin ..... MORNING AT SEVEN IN HALF THE MOSCOW METRO ... IN THE SAME WAGON ... BIAS AGAINST .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We fell into his arms and I felt momentarily like a show from Kai plum or so ... well, people were definitely something to look at and I saw - which happened very rarely in Russia - strangers smile at me out of sheer emotion ... this in turn touched me and made me even more than untwisted I was already so far ... everything is a bit much of course. I've never been so wide awake after a night of drinking and fit as on that evening. And then I say one more, he believed in destiny pffffff non ...!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Doorbells For Hard Of Hearing

home Beatz and cockroaches ...

A week can be pretty short. Especially if you came to settle his visa issues to spend some time with his family, friends and relax look again ... but as so often is hoped to relax tension ....)) The trip by car to Frankfurt Consulate makes every Lucky Luke look pale. An odyssey on the highway in the pouring rain, the view on the Minimal, reduced congestion, if we had to urgently go to the bathroom and the only way out of the side lawn and the adjacent forest were ... I instinctively sought out the thousand exits the right one. Yes, Germany is a paradise for map reading-objectors. Signposts were great. The consulate then everything went smooth. Somehow too smooth. I wanted the whole non-trust so completely. But in fact: wait two minutes after I had filed the friendly officials, fearing a rejection of the immediate issue of visas for some time my pain, but actually I thought my (WOW!!) RIGHT new visa in hand. And I was like, how? And that was present or what? ... Hard to believe that should be good after all the stress I had here with now everything ...
was fine at home. I think I've never been so happy to read at the landing, the words "Stuttgart". I beamed like a Cheshire cat. Everything was pretty surreal, because I really should not be there. That was not the plan. Then I spent two days working my Jet paint (you spell that right?) Get rid of. This was probably because that on the night of my departure to Stuttgart, the clocks were set back by one hour and then in Germany again for two hours. It is strange, if your Body tells you something completely different from the Clock. Dizziness and nausea.
Have also done all the things I really wanted to do: spend some time with my family, took a bath, ate doner NEN, slept in a large saubequemen bed, watching TV, was at the hairdresser, ate pizza, of course, met all the people who were important to me that still live in Tübingen and the surrounding area .... but ultimately you have to confess that the anticipation is still the greatest joy. It stayed there as a consolation for all)). And
arrived here and glad the Marshrutka-torture from the airport to the university and then the relatively long walk (with a heavy suitcase each walk is long ...) to manage my front door and slipped into pajamas, it must I know that we have cockroaches, most recently as a PG ... yes ... COCKROACHES ... this nasty black nasty, half crawling, half-crawling beasts that are achieved at Ner Ekligkeitsskala of one to ten loose 'ne twenties. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!", what I thought. This Jana and Anya stood at my door. When Jana told me about the dismal customer had handed me Anja their anti-cockroach-paste that smells just as bad as it sounds, which I then summarily in the living area of these despicable creatures (in the bath under the shower tray) generously distributed ... Ugh! ... nor have I seen any. Acquaintance was allowed to present only my neighbor to make two of them, which they destroyed a short hand. The second was probably because of where he came zurückgeflüchtet ... it will be interesting. But if you first made friends with the thought of these unwanted guests is, one can somehow bear's pretty good ... well ... you be interesting be.