Saturday, November 22, 2008

Side Effects Of Too Many Walnuts

strange experience on the night shift ...

I did again yesterday night shift and about 4 clock in the morning a scary experience. It was night (is on night shift just so, non-* lol *) and dark, because I can make the most of the lights.

I was on the second floor when I heard a cry. I could not assigning non, because it does not sound human, and her for a pet I know it did not sound too ...

I like this: * Scary *
So I'm in the stairwell, there was the outcry then * even louder * double-creepy and I thought "omg what is coming up the stairs"? * Scary *

Then there was a cat shot up, which has so screamed and it sounded really zero after calming cat. I only: * * waaaaahhh pulse to 180 ..

Fortunately it was ne dear all, has let petted and is after me ^ ^

gone So I took them down transported to the EC, opened the door and we stood together by 4 clock in the morning at the main entrance and have seen the snow.

Initially, groped them critically with a paw the snow and did not want to get out. After a minute she has but then decided to go and I was quiet again: D


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