Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Period Affect Running

Almost forgot!

Now I almost went to bed without telling what happened today is mad.
So ... was just on the laptop and I heard a huge bang in the stairwell. Sounded as if someone crashed with something. So I get out to check on ...

But no one was in the stairwell. Looked down and saw only: Everything white!
white? I then went down stairs and the whole house was covered with a white layer and in the door of my neighbor shone a hole. Drinne naturally wild confused talk.
course I knocked and sought after. Inside it was even whiter than a snow ball no one had noticed the hole. What had happened?

My neighbor took her little cabinet resolved directly beside the front door, while you probably fell down ne box. This box is then probably popped to the fire extinguisher and it is then blown up and shot through the door. Hammer, right?
Just imagine me, as if someone had been standing ... the thing were you go directly through the abdomen * scary * Fortunately, no one became injured but we all had headaches in the house after the incident. Probably because of the heavy mist of the fire extinguisher stuff. Yesterday on the

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Program Soccer Predictions

is sad ...

Christmas market and has been found NOT ONE snow globe. HELLO? Christmas market!! If not where else? That makes me really depressing T__T Maybe have someone paint me a picture of ner snow globe as a birthday gift
xD Oh man ... that a great idea for a fanart competition is running * grin * To Animexx and WB opens up ... and since he is already:

I will now go to click on the pokemon and then continue to tinker FF. Let's see whether the part is completed so far today.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Still's Disease Brain Fog

Today ...

is my colleague [good reason] do not report to work and so I became aware once again how difficult is to stand an entire primary school class alone against. Have you ever tried to be simultaneously at 20 locations?

After work [at half past four] I then went home. The temperatures were so pretty comfortable that it had to directly take advantage of times. On the way then my battery from the MP3 player went blank and the full force of the environmental hit me xD
Too lazy to slot in but the headphones from his ears, my environment anscheind thought that I would not notice ... so I have learned that Marie's father is said to be well invested pedophile and Kitty [no clue what will be the ne abbreviation] is said to have more warts between the thighs. Well, Kitty will look destined to learn that * lol * In any case: Always fun to tell you how freely people when they think that they can not listen.

Now I have just eaten and now I'm seriously thinking on whether I should go to bed ... is so tired ...
on Christmas morning market wants. Need a new purse and I hope some beautiful snow globes for my collections. Jaha ... Collect snow globes ... that reminds me: In two weeks, a birthday!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Warmest Type Of Blanket

The last weekend!

came last weekend Stiffy [cracked for some time on the train of musical Süchtis] down from Lower Saxony to jump twice in the musical "The Buddy Holly Story" to go to dinner. Of course we have not let us then take to take a brief shopping trip to Holland.
NO, we did not buy drugs. Shame on you to think something xD
No, no cigarettes were also our goal. We wanted coffee and tea for mother ^ __ ^ You are our brave kids! We therefore

into GAS CAR - down [\u0026lt;inside joke] to Holland, then took half an hour from Duisburg to Venlo. At the last traffic light before it then went into the business district, the horror. The traffic light is at this point appear pretty stupid to come, maybe three cars over a green.
We were about 300 yards away and needed no less than: 25 MINUTES to come across. Is not it hard? 25 minutes for 300 meters * drop *
has now then it started to rain and of course the tea that my mother wanted so much, there was not even then.

Another annoying thing [I have ordered it on the Internet] was then the cell phone bill. Of course I had expected a slightly higher bill, as I last month had to call several times to Greece, but here I must really commend times T-Mobile, only 30 cents per minute. The shock was then the famous 11880, which I had called on our bike tour for three minutes to get the number of a hostel. The costs for these three minutes: 6 Euro
I find really quite a sum T__T The hammer can really help in the future who they want but can not be guaranteed me.

What is "Bis (s) at the end of eternity" is concerned, should actually come last weekend, the next part, but since Stiffy was there, we had to do as I said other than us to deal with scribble.
Have now a new page for the bis (s) Tools ... which still has to go online ... Like so many other

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Unblocked Armor Games

gifts ...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Purple Dress Shirt What Color Pants

Pokemon eggs

also has me now packed the egg-mania * drop *

If you have to do that is just nothing, I would be delighted if you would help my eggs hatch when.

Just click on my eggs To "play" with them

Older Women Wearing Stockings

Part 15 Part 15

Today is finally the 15th Part of bis (s) at the end of eternity appeared on the net. It took really long this time ... But now he is finally released for reading ^ __ ^

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Best Investment For 1000 Dollars

slobber @ 2009-10-25T16: 42:00

I wonder whether I had "Death Proof" also like it if it is not Kurt Russell, and American Muscle Cars would.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Buying External Power Supplies In Australia

Matt is not to blame ... Now they can

... my rash is back. And before now jmd says go to the doctor! Maybe I'll do it, yes. Finally, I pay insurance.

Jule offered me a riding participation. FREE, FREE. But she needed jmd containing the looks in the week after the horse, but Josie is right near creek. Not around the corner. But I must come and ride on weekends and when Jule ma can not, should I check on her. But first we must see how it works with both of us.

Have you seen today show with the mouse? He had a GT, since the monitor was already there and he has drawn with the stylus directly on it. So hot.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Enquiry Letter Car Sale

Unfortunately, it has still not managed Stiffy, 15 in the Part of bis (s) at the end of eternity inside look. * Evil * Stiffyyyyyy No, no-patt * patt * Stiffy just lacks a "high" on their diploma thesis.
Some days I want to give her even more ... otherwise no later than next Friday comes the part just like that online. Well ... at least I can now write to Part 16 and this will follow much more rapidly after 15 Part .. But what has also ^ __ ^

Friday, September 25, 2009

New Baby Twins Card Messages

needs a name

After my mom had showed me and I turned out of their hiding place, took pictures and then shown our Meikaner have, then my dad, my brother, who she has touched, what I have also touched and they won today still there is they need a name.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mold In Wall In Bathroom Fix


Part of bis (s) at the end of eternity is actually finished the night became. * Bold * FREU

BUT ... he will be released until next week anyway, BECAUSE:
Stiffy's gone!
Yes! * Drop *
drive you today with her mom in her Hamburg home to some musical thing on Saturday to look at. Again, it comes only days ago and before Monday, maybe Tuesday, they will not have time to read the part * sniff *

now asks everyone, why should she?
Well, because it is just that! xD
Stiffy and I have been writing for seven years together on a story and it has just so naturalized that we are doing stuff the other To read before they go online. In addition, Stiffy is again about the spelling because I brought the New / Old / New spelling white-hot * lol *

But at least he's ever FEEEEEEEEEERRRRRTTTTIG!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Free Abortion Clinics In Ma


Sunday and Monday were the only days that I could not help AT ALL that I have not Bis (s) at the end of eternity continues to be written. What happened:

On Sunday I got up and yawn yawn a bit at some point I deleted and then, as it is now time may do so, looked in the fridge and * * glubsch no light!
No light?
Um, pear broken?
power failure?
I of course tried all the other things in the kitchen: Anything goes! So
but the bulb?
Next, I then herumgehorcht on the fridge, but I could not hear the motor of the refrigerator ... So but the fridge broken?

Next, I went hunting on refrigerator at Otto and Co.. Nevertheless, one can not survive long without a fridge, at least at this day not found * drop *
fridge, just wanted to order, the receiver already at hand here comes a voice from the left: "The light in the bathroom does not work"


we will all matters in the whole apartment thoroughly searched and there were not really all things. So well but a power failure.
I caught a huge extension cord and plugged the fridge somewhere else; Yippie went fridge again [and I already had almost bought new NEN]. But just solved this problem flared up again on a voice: "Say, was not just the kettle?"
And suddenly half the apartment was without power including the door bells and hallway lights.
Having said that, I can then ring when the good landlord, who is oh, yes it would, at some point you take care of the problem * * If double-drop, he fumbles on the cables, is usually much less.
And well, not because of the proper power supply and the concern that when the laptop is connected, maybe not suddenly go, I have not turned on him and therefore could not write.
is half a year ago I happened to you the fact, so precious to power failure and that was sooooooo annoying. I had just a stupid blue screen on the monitor and could not do anything. The PC I went into the net and had problems doing research and [has almost always NEN good advice at hand] Stiffy called and then had with the Windows CD for something [no idea what] repair, and since I am always very careful when it comes to power things and laptop goes.

But this evening I will sit down and WRITE ... I promise! Although I have

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Men Who Wear Girdles Nylon Stockings

Still not done!

Bis (s) written at the end of eternity further, but I am still not ready to become.

what's going on now again?
Answer: and

So, first I was, unexpectedly, a barbecue guest. Was quite nice.
And then, suddenly, I was of the opinion that the blue wallpaper does not fit the new, black glass desk and there will catch the mistake at little blaze to remove the gray wallpaper.
How is this just the way it looks from the apartment now, as ne site. Everywhere around are things that are do not belong there, emergency alert ...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What Does A Neutral Wire Do

Twilight poster

Oh yes ... that reminds me: I still have some Twilight poster, I would like to get rid of. So if someone is looking for a poster of Edward & Co., then look just stop by on my page poster. If you are interested

a poster, contact you simply by ENS [if you are registered with Animexx] or write to me:

What Does Hedge Fund Coo Do?

sunshine ...

... there was now sufficient to ^ __ ^
Since I came on the way to work [Travel by bicycle, as only 10 minutes away] a good sweat * * hackle But tomorrow it's supposed to already be a bit cooler - I'm even more of the 25 degree type.

On the way back home I bought it for the love critters [2 cats] so funny food or water dispenser. It takes up 1.5 liter [price per € 5.99] in and they can eat or drink for a few days of /. Is very convenient because we want to make several days in October Fahhradtour.
For this reason, I had my way, bought a bike computer that I fixed as yet.

the glass table was set up by the way I get loose. Finally a piece of furniture that has made me not mistaken ... was really easy. Only the glass plates make me a little afraid - at some point I'll do such a thing yet T__T

scrap with the bis (s)-Part it is also gone on ... no later than the weekend, he should be ready. I think it was allowed to enter from the front. I am now somehow ausgelaucht total, is perhaps the weather.
* wink *

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Cost To Make A Nickel

oh, you beautiful Sunday!

Ok, yesterday I somehow can not get a baked on Bis (s) to write the end of eternity further. My legs have fully captured the aching muscles of a dozen stairs time I've hauled down my old bed and then I was also the end of the 5th Season of Grey's Anatomy distracted - that used to be a fucking end * * heul
I hate series season ends!
I know a man wants to keep the spectators at the bar and all, but still It is always full of depressing ...

Today I am then got up too late: 11.47 clock - actually wanted to get up at 9:00 clock * drop *
The first thing I did this morning:
Wrestling ordered cards.
But as life goes, after much back and forth, and, "Oh, are you never do with me." So I'm at 7.11. in Dusseldorf for WWE SmackDown and ECW - Undertaker's Rest in Peace Tour

Then, miracle of miracles ... I have written.
I'm still not finished with the chapter But I continued to write.

equal then there is only something to feed: goulash with spaetzle, and I have still the new black, glass desk set up and if done, I sit down again to the Part Let's see how far I create it this time ...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Milena Velba Coco Oil Full

* drop *

Ok ... what do I want?

What have I done? The
Parts 12-14 revised
* drop * Ahhhhhhhh!

That reminds me: I had
now for the 14th or was it already the 15th Times ensure that, "until (s) at the end of eternity" erased from the Internet. And really ... I just can not understand what you should have it, a Story, which you yourself have not even written to be published. What for?
I mean, if I find something great, can I tell it in other ways like this. But simply to take the story and to publish it without my permission, I do not think so, fine.

Sun .. but now: WRITE!

Where Can I Find A Cute Rolling Suitcase

It is finished!

I still can not: I wrote rejection finally over.
But why does it really take so long?
I think in the first place was the Watashi blame. Whenever I had just found new items in rejection, me Watashi Part came in the way and then the whole Ryan / Chris Flair was back away. And recently I was Bis (s) at the end of eternity very discouraged from rejection.
Well ... but now it's done. Yippie! Freu!

Now I can also give a little more of the bis (s) story, as Stiffy still with the Watashi-part lags behind, and I consider myself to be still not there.
So ... now what will feed and then finally to the 15th Chapter of the bis (s) story continues to write.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Male Waxing Charlotte Nc

light blue is not as bright blue

I have long rumgemalt in my image until I finally had what I wanted. A beautiful rich shade of blue light with a twist.
That certain something was mixed with the pure ineffable green. The brightness can not be mixed. The intensity was there every time down the drain. The color broken. Through trial and error
I noticed that I what I wanted to have attained only by a glaze. The blue with a twist, a layer of white.
only the acrylic dries pretty fast and I needed an area with no brush strokes. So
of the front. With sponge, it looked like ne big cloud.
of recovery ahead. With a foam roller. Was quick and fast. Not perfect but close to it and I'm satisfied. What could be simpler. Better I can not.

Now to something else.
The cat my grandmother died. On Tuesday last week. She was offended because my father did not go right after work with her to the animal, the suffering was not to bury. He said something to her on the phone that she had deeply hurt. She said he had never spoken to her ... tragic.
My brother Michael and I had to back on Wednesday. We both completely in black, 200 km to Lower Saxony. First to the Italians. Pizza. Small pizza. After that I was satisfied. And then in the supermarket. Since then started my cycle. I was hot, I was cold, I felt bad. I had to squat me sometime. It could not.
Then back to Grandma. Grandma comforted. Nasty cat in a box. Was not that easy for the still existing rigor mortis. Michi has dug. I have pants shortened. Then I've also dug up a bit. Unbelievable how much earth is like a hole. Eventually
was finished. could not. "Grandma, we do now purely the cat." "Do you only. I do not have to be there. "Druff earth. My brother starts festzutreten them. "Michael! Come by the cat down! You're breaking her neck yes! "" The earth has but as new items. "Again be knocked with a spade. Home hazards.
If we had not come, then they would have asked the Spaniard. Really? The lives only five minutes away!
Michi asked whether the Spaniard at all There. Yes, I have seen him before. Not understand a word what he says. We considered whether he was on the phone with "English" reports.

grandmother then called and complained to my mother what I had on and that I was in the supermarket in the middle set on the course.
"She did not go well."
"She has eaten so well for quite a pizza."
I've eaten a whole pizza! A whole small pizza!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hairy Bikers Chocolate Cake Recipe

So I want the old computer games also

Monday, July 20, 2009

03 Roadrunner Travel Trailer

My brother has given me the very old lemmings. We have always played on the old 67Megahertz PC from my dad.
Now let's try this, if we can play Worms, Network. I

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Best Place To Get A Brazilian Wax In Worcester

The Devil

my father had taken away his pet. He constantly says anyway, "slobber can you feed ma xy?" Because I can also take care of them.
were originally 20, but only one came through. She eats a lot now. Three-four large leaves per day when they were 20, would be a lot of work. I said to my father, they would have in a cage where I can do more food inside. "Because of a leaf?" "I ran three times today and I got a new one." That is also not a problem, but at night I can not look after her in the morning and then they chew around on withered stuff .
saw Four or three days, they still like this:

She has finally skinned, after long time ne wanted to eat.

I have her old head lifted, because I found it fascinating that she has fit in there sometimes. Immediately after the molt, the new was already twice as large. This is now formulated stupid because it's still the same head, just new skin.

She is now about 8 cm long. So still missing 7cm to its final size. As it grows, it can not be long.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Minolta Dynax Lens Fitting

My beautiful legs

Daylight has left me somewhat, as a souvenir of their collar. It has not been able to run past me. But it looks in the photo did not look so bad.

The more lights my insect bite on the other leg.

because all you have to join:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Abbreviation For Usual


How has it changed over the last seven years.

take his hat to the bike.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Home Theatre Converter

had today visiting the Winter Garden

Unfortunately, I have not managed to photograph him, dazzling.

But he was hungry and is willing to crawl on my hand when I spat on it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How To Wear Hiking Boots With Pants

13:06:09 Oldenburg

Friday I GEDU alone with my grandmother. All alone. I, the car and the Autobahn.Und's actually not a plan where to go. 've Found out I won.
then went shopping. I wanted to Grandma deter dog food for the hedgehogs to buy. Hedgehogs do not eat cows. After

Galaxy Quest to bed. In the attic. My bathroom below me in the empty apartment. Hot water, no light.

Saturday at half past five los gefahren.Erst times, a friend from the forum in Göttingen collected. To Oldenburg went without further problems. Oldenburg in chaos because I have swapped the right and left on my directions.
grandma was then delivered to her cousin, we went and arrived on time.

It was the first live show at which I took myself, with four horses and two barn mascot. Laila has occupied the 3rd place in the barn mascot, Mini-Bobble 4,
My Arabian has the 5th place, I think of 6, used. My cold blood foals the fourth, of four. But my Friesian mare has the first made in her class and my Baroque Pinto, in the same class, 2 (There were at least four other horses in this class, only for info. Do not think that you, I had no competition.)
It was very, very nice and I would definitely go back.

A HO-horse (These are the models of the railway)

Harry Potter with a mustache. I found to the comic.

Neil Young's dog

A very photogenic mare and her foal.
My favorite horse on the LS

Matt and I are out riding.

Neil Young gave a concert.

Finally we all sat together around the campfire and grilled French bread. More photos are

's on MySpace.
I slept with the cousin of grandma on the couch. The mirror in the bathroom was very, very low and I could watch me while peeing, because the toilet was directly opposite. Terrible. I had to listen to more stories of the time: "I still remember your father when standing in the window, with his German blue sweater, "and I was pampered like a 10-year-old. The cousin then took me to bed. Before the light Losch, she came back with outstretched arms. NO! Non-cheek pinching! Panic! She hugged me, "Sleep well, girls." And then happily away. Before bed I have my cake still stuffed inside.

The ride home on Sunday was very exhausting. Especially from the A7 to the A5, from then on it went really only at walking pace. Annoying but it is already the dam before. Grandma has all the Time talking and I have no radio transmitter inside get out of German pop songs and classical music.

And now I have two LJ-Cuts and war away the net ...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Diy Meat Rabbit Hutch

slobber @ 2009-06-09T09: 15:00

Sunday, May 24, 2009

How Many Calories Are In A Pez

Permit, childhood!

A few pictures of "Day of the cosmonauts' to meet where every year thousands of people on the Arbat and allow bubbles to rise ... well, and what you see it so in the pictures. The date I know nothing around, with us in the "Catholic-Protestant area" was on the day but Easter Sunday (recalculate pedants may: p). That was probably the first really warm and sunny weekend this year in Moscow. One day when I could be another five ...))