Monday, September 29, 2008

Apple Shaped Place Mats

* *

---> I \u0026lt;----
Yes, I'm pissed off ...!
But now times really.

There's the PC that is now almost three weeks there is again bitchy. .... And how the diagnosis tells me that presenting any hardware fault and I should I contact the manufacturer .... na fabulous.
I thought first: you Formatierst it a try.
And now comes the HAMMER! The two DVD's are supplied EMPTY !!!!!
Yes, empty! The guy on the phone tells me that I own the backup DVD's should have done. Hello? Where if you please me to know?
Well, you can read it in the manual!
manual? * Look around * * no manual-da *
And now ??????

morning I call to the Acer people what I rated benefits cost a lot of money to the good 0180 numbers, nerves and will likely to come no farther. Who then come to that: they send the unit! Yes, great! I have almost 40 GB of data on the thing * Email * heul And woe to me not a set of operating system. I shall, I shall, I KICK YOU !!!!!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

1st Birthday Invitation Cards

tipping .... baby sleep

Today I was at the newly opened Forum (Latin for Mark's Square) in the city center.
A really great, new complex with a huge selection of shops. Here is a Saturn has put up and * dada * here today I get a USB stick with 4GB for 6 €. I think that (outside of the Internet) a really good price.

line (actually, I wanted to go to sleep) show I live on WDR Domian.
I do not show the series regularly, do not even know when to run, but whenever I accidentally hang stay tuned, it's really interesting.
just was one that seeks a normal guy who shares her passion for anime XD
then was a woman (47) (burnt food, forgotten errand etc) of her husband beaten for small transgressions with the crop is. * Drop * He says in the biblical sense .... Domian (and me) are of course agree that it's rather out of sexual stimulant .... and now howls around a girl that her friend would have again. * Tipping * Well, you should take the other problems so serious, but because Ex on TV call, I find it completely idiotic.
Domian tells her straight that it's not actually the one working with the ex is still friends afterwards. * Hehe * I'm natural talent ... my ex-boyfriends, almost all have good contact with me.

bääähhh, even that late. I should go to bed * wink *

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How To Make A Citten Playhouse


jaaaaaaa, I finally between illness, PC could build (yes, it's finally arrived) and normal life on the 8th Part of repellency finish.
The part comes on Friday Animexx on. Have

on Monday really made me more secure in LIDL a puzzle roll and I ordered two puzzle already on the web. Now the föhliche Puzzleln bald losgehen.

Master Locks Sales Toronto

senseless shedding of blood ... To all interested

I dunno if you's did ... But I'll go this week (October 26) for a few days back in his native plains. Yesterday I bought for my aircraft. German Wings was back in ma Sondergangebot. They are also always up for a little surprise at the booking end ... they call it "extra services" ... but anyway, after all the stress, the back and forth .. after I failed all official and unofficial agencies have scoured to find out, had that Helsinki would be cheaper and non-mandatory only stressful, and I am here because of all the stress present even got sick, I beschhlossen to go home.

Otherwise I have now the Pushkin Museum and the young woman paid a visit to the monastery. Have there on the "celebrity graveyard" there next Chruschtschov, Yeltsin and Chekhov also my favorite Russian writer Bulgakov attended (see picture * gg *).
And for nothing I was present at this miserable AIDS test. I would have needed even for Helsinki. Had somehow n queasy feeling about it. Then again eternal wait, after I had to pay a fee equivalent to nine euros. So when this woman who scolds the nurse and has more resemblance to a boxer as a medical assistant to stamping the corner, I was overcome once the urgent need me as soon as possible from the dust to make. She looked with her unfriendly look around us waiting, locked the door and as she prepared everything already inside them cried out that the Next ever to come inside. So unfortunately I was meant. I stammered quickly a quick prayer to heaven into me. Then I was even told me before this yellowed arm cushion set. Without many words, she whipped it holds out my right arm and puts it roughly on the pillow. My question, if not perhaps the other arm ... maybe because vein more visible ... etc. .. was summarily ignored. Within seconds she had already squeezed my upper arm. Oh yeah, this drama could look on the way, all the other people waiting and a few other onlookers, as the door was wide open and not discreet curtain or the like was available. But I was then not matter. I was hoping simply that I am healing from the whole thing get out again. I came with a brief "I'm scared" out of what she said with a condescending look and immediately zustach. I felt like a piece of meat at the butcher. Everything happened very quickly. The only really verbal communication between us was born when they give me a cotton ball soaked in alcohol slammed on my wound and it asked if I might feel dizzy. I "felt short for 'and answered this question. Was but a "why should it?" Section. After having an almost bored "No" heard, the next they shouted to the slaughterhouse. Ground clearance. In that moment I was just grateful to be living in Germany and the right to a medically correct care to have. Take things always so out of course. Here are the priceless privileges. Ohja ...

way ... if my avatar with sunglasses should ensure irritation: we have already 15 ° C and bright sunshine, so which one do without difficulty. Moreover, today made the heating in our rooms ... I am blessed ...))

Sunday, September 21, 2008

How To Build A Burl Coffee Table

Moscow comrades * gg *:

 Concert Berliner Kammerchor Chorikos together with the choir of the Humanist Institute in Moscow Tsereteli Gallery, Moscow Friday, 09/26/2008 - 18:30 clock Prechistenka ul 19, Moscow In the context of intercultural exchange project "Berlin-Moscow. A musical encounter, "the foundation of the German-Russian Youth Exchange - promoted by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Eastern Committee of German Business was the Berlin Chamber Choir sings Chorikos together with the choir of the Moscow Humanities Institute a concert at the Tsereteli Gallery. Look forward to a concert that connects the Russian and German choral culture fresh and enthusiastic. Represented will be: Tchaikovsky and Brahms - the great romantics, Taneyev and Rheinberger - national variables as well as Shostakovich and Distler - composers under totalitarian regimes. 

>>> is because unfortunately non-point, since I * gg * that day laaaaaaider already have a date with Leningrad ...))... hihi ...

Littlest Pet Shop Dressing Up Games

, sleep

Da ich es irgendwie geschafft habe 13....ich wiederhole 13 Stunden zu schlafen (erst gegen 16.00 Uhr aufgestanden bin) und ich morgen früh schon um 5.30 Uhr raus muss, kann ich es heute Nacht mit dem Schlafen vergessen.
Ich hasse es....warum muss ich morgen auch ins Leichtathletik-Stadion *heul* Kein Lust, keine Lust, keine Lust....*doppel-drop*

Heute wollte ich eigentlich SO VIEL tun, wurde dann aber von den blöden Acer-Games abgelenkt. Ich wollte ja auch nur mal in die vorinstallierten Games auf den PC reinschauen und dann.....hing ich jetzt knapp 7 Stunden an scheiß Turbo Pizza und Chuzzle fest *umkipp*
Aber na ja, ich habe ja schließlich noch die ganze Nacht Zeit *drop*

PS: Is anyone really have noticed how expensive the Lätta turn out? It used to be they get for 99 cents at Plus, now it costs EUR 1.39 * * Geldabschneider

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mild Hiv Rash Look Like

dot, dot, comma, semi ...

Yes, yes, it is a writing.
Now that my symptoms slowly subside, I am writing this part for the new rejection.
wait Otherwise, I like stupid to the new PC .... delivery problems * puke * When they had nothing better to do more to ensure that someone is there who can take a package.

What's more? God, I remember nothing more of a straight, except that the laundry is piling up and I should ever wash again and then I have on monday to Lidl, because there is a puzzle role for 5,95 Euro and I wanted so long to have one. * Happy * Alas I do not get more ....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How To Get Rid Of A Face Rash

Have you hit or butterflies ...?

If you are degree encouraging way to Klos, so listen carefully but ma it. And how many layers is your favorite toilet paper? With or without fragrance? And what is more important: your name ... Can you dance? Those who question here "no" answer, which is in all probability not had the benefit of a Waldorf school. Is actually 'ne good thing if you want to create in the club type of tedious throat. He arrives, you expressed some licked award. You stand in front of bored and disgusted. Then he asks for your name and you loose your mind. Ready for the movies. For this reason, I've got it made me present to the new task to learn my name to dance. The dear Olaf, former Waldorf student who can fluently dance names * lol * wants to teach me the present ... but thought my name might be a particularly difficult long program. I thought the I shall get out already. Those who present
asks if I may, before this entry taken any hallucinogenic drugs to me, who has non a point. Do not worry Mom, it was just a bit of vodka in a relaxed atmosphere, garnished with homemade pancakes and Smetana (Russian pancakes with cream ... mnjammnjam). A very normal evening dorm just ...))

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Congratulations For Marriage In Germany

impressions of my everyday life ...

my university (... only the main building ...)

... my Minsk is simply unbeatable!

... who can resist those eyes ...? * Gg *

Even Lenin had 'ne spot for Pepsi ...))

Jana, moi, Gaja

... how can you only build something beautiful ...? * Hach *

The Wall * gg *

... on the city's birthday ... bikini weather ...))

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pinky And The Brain Costume Ideas


Today I feel not good * drop *
Bin at 14.00 clock came home and did my feet hurt more than when I'm maschiert for 13 days through San Francisco. I then rinsed, cleaned, washed clothes and cooked food ... and I'm at 18.30 clock fell dead into bed. Woke up

I'm back at 22.30 clock with so, so, soooooooooo precious head on headache. My nose is kind of on and no matter how much I drink, the throat is always dry. Sickening feeling.

Now I can not sleep of course and hang the whole Time with pain emden head around the internet. Tomorrow comes the new PC, because then set it again to be asked to tipping * * while I'm not in the mood for nothing ...

PS: Wanted to upload the daily times Musikvdeos by Kinya Kotani, TM Revolution and Iceman ... so maybe some of the names with Gundam Seed and Gravitation ^ ^
connect So drop by if you are interested in the videos.

Oh yes .... who wants to reach me on MSN, this can be happy about doing, " Please state in your request to any known test word such as Live Journal, Watashi, or the like, because I am not stranger to in principle.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ap Bio Cell Respiration Lab Graph

Have you been there?

... all the critical question that has in recent days / two weeks of well placed every newcomer here. Internet cafe is just too expensive in the long run, annoying, uncomfortable (sometimes has it here so negative a thousand degrees ...* gg *). After I initially loudly complained on the floor of the absence of the Internet, we have grown faster than we could find broadcast. For since there was one, the one that knew this ...)) (see picture would not be detected), the Internet should then be followed on the same day or one of us. From then on, we heard nothing from him erstma one weeks. Hach I, the Russian reliability love ..! And then suddenly out of nowhere he stood armed with a ski stick in his hand, he passed me at once. With this "tool" should be led by "Angel" (from a room two Floors above me) falling cable caught. For this I had to just put on the window sill and dat me and things stretch out as far as possible and if possible try not to fall out. The felt three tons of heavy cable, which fell down because of me, that was no easy task. But by joining forces we finally maneuvered it into my room. Since I still thought "cool, I will have Internet ".... far from it. so I first had the cable from the outside through a tiny hole feinstsäuberlich still down in my room and on my PC was connected. The cable itself does not have the Internet. So I waited every evening, as Mr. Internet Man day in and day out promised "this time sure" to come and finally finish the Schose. When he claimed the same thing again today, I then of course the non understandably taken very seriously.

Well ... hereby wish to reveal only a very short time my joy, surprise, surprise and delight the world and put me completely exhausted, like every night to bed.

Spokojnoj Nochi (= Good night)

PS: A big shoutout goes out of here Just rabbit! : * ... Have no fear, forget you ... and because of the non-room and you had to do not worry if I somehow supposed to travel to Germany, I'm so NEN living and sleeping space. )) ... Everything is jut the way ... I'm still very jealous because of the Coldplay concert ...((

Monday, September 8, 2008

Emt Training In Loganville, Georgia

Swap big fat down jacket against

If it were possible for the day preceding section University of the Metro, or simply to get only one road along with sights mileage, I'd probably outdated now for next year. It borders on a downright Wonder my feet are still non-energized. You tell a Russian, if you ask him about the way that the whole "blízko" is so close, then you can at least a 15-minute walk set ...

experienced Moreover, the Moscow Autumn here his new spring-summer ... or better. As you can probably think the way I have of course written only thick sweaters, warm jackets and boots packed. Mentally I had prepared myself for a long time ago on snow storms and temperatures far below zero and ... then +30 ° C!! ... Here is definitely what is going wrong. If this keeps up, I have to buy urgently NEN skirt and shorts, other day I go in here. I sleep at night even with the window open ... and who knows me can imagine now how incredibly hot it is for me frostbite to be here .* gg *

... well, my life starts here. With heat, unfriendly officials to send me senseless from A to B, with disappointment, happy surprises, towering buildings, the one still amazed when they saw the hundredth time already has, with cheap phone calls at home and abroad thanks to super-provider "MegaFon" to unhealthy fast food, because the time barely enough to breathe, with innumerable impressions which exceed my capacity, with ; a permanent state of exhaustion due to sleep deprivation, which are compensated only with enough alcohol and short-term trick can * gg *, with blisters on his feet, with daily head-shaking from lack of understanding about the practice here, and lots of nostalgia ... it creates hardly process it all and is already busy in the middle brought all to enjoy, since it is over soon. ... And every night (NIGHT), one wonders where the day is still there, where many long 24 hours ... and hinverflogen morning you can not always take it when the alarm is already ringing. It must act is a mistake ... ne, again the highest railway! So you jump into the shower (not that that would bring in the weather ever was), again in front of the closet wondering what to wear in this weather because only could decide in the short term for the bikini and then forcing it in the trousers ...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

How To Make An Aviator Bag

cocktail dress from "Youth Connections" is not recommended ...

Hm .. actually had initially thought that this would be a more positive first entry ... I had already written here on Monday it would have been even a very euphoric. Once in the terminal I luckily n girl from Holland, which also opened in Moscow to study, was accosted, I also had ne ride, as my faculty in Moscow had pretty much shit on me and no one FS , r I was there. And of course my suitcase large and heavy and difficult to transport in the metro .... we are good then by car 40 (!) min have been on the road then the driver has ordered me n taxi because the girl had to ne other university. Then he called me and denied it for the thing with the driver, I had to pay only 10 €. Was' n nice guy this taxi driver. An Armenian. Very talkative. I even wore my case directly to the front door of this huge University Buildings and gave me his number, once said that if what is, then I should call him. Well, behold once thought, and I entered. All this had me even if only briefly distracted by all the chaos around me. Since I knew not that something should be there so everything coming at me ...

then went to the University of the chaos going on right ... until I found the right body. People thought yes non help me out. Just before the nervous breakdown I then also said the available room, where I had to report me. And then I stood there and stood there waiting .... ... so slow and I was the last straw. In addition, I also knew how long non-cooperation of the my bladder would go away .... still would have been disastrous ... the place I'd ... well ... no one occupied the verge of a Mo ; rampage resembled my hand and many pathetic SMSs to my mother heard, Heimatliches German in my ear ... THANK GOD!, I thought. In hindsight, I can say the two were my salvation in all respects. Today I know I would have to apply to business school. Where is all that is by completely organized. Who namely Olga. The woman is a gift. I do not know what I would have done without them. I probably would still pending in some completely random coil, which leads to nowhere ... My Faculty scherrt in fact NEN damn about me.

The screamer is yet to come: it turned out pretty quickly (after a few days coming up in some snakes), that people from the Frankfurt consulate issued me the wrong visa. YES! As a target in my visa is namely "Youth Connections" and not as real as "semester abroad" ... given the Schlaubis ... I was a newcomer in Russian realms so suspect previously non that I go to not far wü rde ... or go far, but would go back again ... haha (when I heard about it I found it quite as non- funny) ... after I was sent by a "responsible" to the other and me all just the same has been said (you have to leave), which cost me the last nerve, and n few tears, was Just finished. You feel helpless and abandoned. Meanwhile, I've caught me again ... now I start again to work. 'll Scour nochma all the offices and then to find the cheapest solution. And then I thought me: hey, you're in the country of corruption! Since it must be what drehn with the militia here. We must stop here to think ... oh so German gaze times ... one after another. I I must add, because I can change's, unfortunately, does not operate ...

... Well ... that with the militia, I've been off my makeup ... are indeed corrupt, but responsible in any way. So am today at noon for a DAAD ('m stipend). There was briefly a wonderful feeling again legally seen German territory to feel under their feet. Yes, it feels very different. : P are united in the huge building, my beloved Goethe Institut and the German Embassy. Great! The responsible was the DAAD really nice and has really tried to help me. I was allowed by it directly from the Russian Consulate in Frankfurt a. M. Call.
followed by an unexpected lift the receiver on the other side an equally unexpected Russian conversation, for the German man on the other side of the handset was non. Wat the heck I thought I was sweating and me during my detailed explanation of sheer excitement from one. If, however, may be due to the heat that exists here for three days. And in Moscow. Yes, a city full of surprises and controversies. But back to topic: the gentleman was very nice. But since he knew non, but if I stay present in the country may and might send over my passport by courier, etc., can should I nochma call in 'half an hour. I did so, after a coffee and several cigarettes to calm. He then said that it would be ok from you, but that required by the laws of the Russian Federation that I use for a PIN method at least once in my feet and it only cost a few inches Sun but would have to move across the border.
brought the Lady of the DAAD me then finally to my current outstanding idea at the lowest capital cost for new visa to come: RIGA! Yes, dat I'll present. I'm going to Riga. Jovi, one of the first two people (Deutschen. could mistake the present ... .. it is non-* gg *) I've met here has probably present before, when he gets up to that its multi visa to come along . He is probably one of the few people who travel to Moscow and take a Riga travel guide with them. )) And maybe you can from there will return to Helsinki to St. Petersburg, Russia ... dat Janze should be worth it, could not it. * Gg *... naja behold ... times. But now I'm definitely calmer ... viiiiel quiet. I have another plan. Life takes its course returned to normality. And I agree with this Chaos history with one of my favorite Russian phrases: Все будет хорошо! (= Everything is good). would

And honestly, if all the other events overshadow not be so: here I've got a great time. 've Met very nice people. The university is a monument. I got myself accustomed to the size still non of times I look, too. Unbelievable. 'm In a cloak-and-dagger operation after a Sauftour seen spontaneously release the Kremlin. The feeling of seeing that I can not believe just in words. For me, so that a small Dream a reality. )) Are only ten minutes to layer in the pit for a short moment and then when we had five minutes to run back to the metro and destroy us laugh (we should) - it was for me one of the happiest moments * lard / *.... Ahja shall drop, but it's the little moments that sometimes mean very very fortunate ... blah ...* still called multi * * gg * I quit My first entry before I am completely rather sentimental yet. : P