Sunday, September 21, 2008

How To Build A Burl Coffee Table

Moscow comrades * gg *:

 Concert Berliner Kammerchor Chorikos together with the choir of the Humanist Institute in Moscow Tsereteli Gallery, Moscow Friday, 09/26/2008 - 18:30 clock Prechistenka ul 19, Moscow In the context of intercultural exchange project "Berlin-Moscow. A musical encounter, "the foundation of the German-Russian Youth Exchange - promoted by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Eastern Committee of German Business was the Berlin Chamber Choir sings Chorikos together with the choir of the Moscow Humanities Institute a concert at the Tsereteli Gallery. Look forward to a concert that connects the Russian and German choral culture fresh and enthusiastic. Represented will be: Tchaikovsky and Brahms - the great romantics, Taneyev and Rheinberger - national variables as well as Shostakovich and Distler - composers under totalitarian regimes. 

>>> is because unfortunately non-point, since I * gg * that day laaaaaaider already have a date with Leningrad ...))... hihi ...


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