Monday, September 15, 2008

Pinky And The Brain Costume Ideas


Today I feel not good * drop *
Bin at 14.00 clock came home and did my feet hurt more than when I'm maschiert for 13 days through San Francisco. I then rinsed, cleaned, washed clothes and cooked food ... and I'm at 18.30 clock fell dead into bed. Woke up

I'm back at 22.30 clock with so, so, soooooooooo precious head on headache. My nose is kind of on and no matter how much I drink, the throat is always dry. Sickening feeling.

Now I can not sleep of course and hang the whole Time with pain emden head around the internet. Tomorrow comes the new PC, because then set it again to be asked to tipping * * while I'm not in the mood for nothing ...

PS: Wanted to upload the daily times Musikvdeos by Kinya Kotani, TM Revolution and Iceman ... so maybe some of the names with Gundam Seed and Gravitation ^ ^
connect So drop by if you are interested in the videos.

Oh yes .... who wants to reach me on MSN, this can be happy about doing, " Please state in your request to any known test word such as Live Journal, Watashi, or the like, because I am not stranger to in principle.


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