Monday, September 29, 2008

Apple Shaped Place Mats

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---> I \u0026lt;----
Yes, I'm pissed off ...!
But now times really.

There's the PC that is now almost three weeks there is again bitchy. .... And how the diagnosis tells me that presenting any hardware fault and I should I contact the manufacturer .... na fabulous.
I thought first: you Formatierst it a try.
And now comes the HAMMER! The two DVD's are supplied EMPTY !!!!!
Yes, empty! The guy on the phone tells me that I own the backup DVD's should have done. Hello? Where if you please me to know?
Well, you can read it in the manual!
manual? * Look around * * no manual-da *
And now ??????

morning I call to the Acer people what I rated benefits cost a lot of money to the good 0180 numbers, nerves and will likely to come no farther. Who then come to that: they send the unit! Yes, great! I have almost 40 GB of data on the thing * Email * heul And woe to me not a set of operating system. I shall, I shall, I KICK YOU !!!!!!!


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