Monday, September 8, 2008

Emt Training In Loganville, Georgia

Swap big fat down jacket against

If it were possible for the day preceding section University of the Metro, or simply to get only one road along with sights mileage, I'd probably outdated now for next year. It borders on a downright Wonder my feet are still non-energized. You tell a Russian, if you ask him about the way that the whole "blízko" is so close, then you can at least a 15-minute walk set ...

experienced Moreover, the Moscow Autumn here his new spring-summer ... or better. As you can probably think the way I have of course written only thick sweaters, warm jackets and boots packed. Mentally I had prepared myself for a long time ago on snow storms and temperatures far below zero and ... then +30 ° C!! ... Here is definitely what is going wrong. If this keeps up, I have to buy urgently NEN skirt and shorts, other day I go in here. I sleep at night even with the window open ... and who knows me can imagine now how incredibly hot it is for me frostbite to be here .* gg *

... well, my life starts here. With heat, unfriendly officials to send me senseless from A to B, with disappointment, happy surprises, towering buildings, the one still amazed when they saw the hundredth time already has, with cheap phone calls at home and abroad thanks to super-provider "MegaFon" to unhealthy fast food, because the time barely enough to breathe, with innumerable impressions which exceed my capacity, with ; a permanent state of exhaustion due to sleep deprivation, which are compensated only with enough alcohol and short-term trick can * gg *, with blisters on his feet, with daily head-shaking from lack of understanding about the practice here, and lots of nostalgia ... it creates hardly process it all and is already busy in the middle brought all to enjoy, since it is over soon. ... And every night (NIGHT), one wonders where the day is still there, where many long 24 hours ... and hinverflogen morning you can not always take it when the alarm is already ringing. It must act is a mistake ... ne, again the highest railway! So you jump into the shower (not that that would bring in the weather ever was), again in front of the closet wondering what to wear in this weather because only could decide in the short term for the bikini and then forcing it in the trousers ...


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