Sunday, December 21, 2008

Valentines Day Potluck,, Work Ideas

... and when the fifth light is burning, haste slept through Christmas ... höhö)

my ... home-made alternative door wreath ... all rights reserved and such)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Dog Has Pancreatitis When Can He Travel

Happiness in Boxes))

I herewith urgently to this assessment of the sitter. It took me quite a lot of time and nerves. After I edited the images have neatly so Janze dat after wat looks they were too large to be uploaded at all yet. Any attempt by a reduction in vain ... then my internet is ever so slowly, when uploading a single image can have good and like to perish ... n half day (I exaggerate as usual again * ma * gg ) Well, at the request of some readers here now depicts the described and thereby necessarily left in its naturally beautiful ugliness. Happy watching! (Cooler is, of course, besides ...: p)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

драйвер Sis 301 Mv


Do not worry ... I'm still the old woman. Practice for the lead role * * alleged in a play (for my poetry seminar, in fact, that is not spectacular * gg *), is when I play a sixteen year old girl. Well, is it already .. reliable?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Contender Tool Box Lock

For some it is never too late))

Had a few hours, the greatest of all snowball fight my whole life long * gg *. My First. )) But I'll take it out of myself at this point of titling them as the best. Why not? There are also people who call their child Pepsi Karola and get away with it. In contrast, I'm harmless. * Gg *
How did it now so happy about this experience? Sandra just decorated her window - which incidentally also acts as a Fridge, I'm just allround)) - with their new colorful and almost overly kitschy lights. But only almost. Then she did not but inevitably being distracted by the bustle in the yard. Any people out there enjoyed themselves in life ... just because it had snowed again and the whole court (I suppose all of Moscow was able to check this ... yet) on a non of the , was hand-looking fat snowpack was able. Watch Sandra as the little people ran around and threw snow balls ...
appear in such moments your life just beautiful. In any case, me. Call it a quiet About surge of Christmas hormones or the like. But sometimes you just do not have much to happiness. It is there. Everywhere. * Gg * I looked so so and could not stop smiling. This had already started on the day when I was home from university and suddenly trickled down the white stuff in masses on me and all the other witnesses to this spectacle. I walked along the road and got the grin nothing around away. That was probably the girl toward me, grinning as well, as well. ... Oh yeah, Russia, thou winter wonderland ...)
And as I since so enviously looking down at breakneck pose on the windowsill balanced, precisely in order to mount this flashing thing of fairy lights, I had to learn that after my request drauss , s to run and once but so riiiichtig dig through the snow, was not alone. JOY. Thanks to this location to the inventor of the "Skype". Marek, our Polish Austrians (or vice versa ... but this does not matter present ma) wrote me that the short term, closer than a handful of German soldiers, to our sector B for vormitternachtliche snowball fight. Whether I would be interested? But helloooo !!!!! * Gg * So I swung myself unceremoniously into my fat down jacket (they came here for the first time in this country to use), scratched briefly Olaf from his Russian vocabulary and so we went together to the wildest battle of our lives (people, it Christmas is soon! A little pathos gg * must *). There so many other people were waiting for like-minded people. It was awesome, totally stupid. Played like little kids war. German to Russian. How about a war as is, also run by n few Men over. In the end we were a mixed group, but above all it was a field day. If I already know how great it is damn it, and especially how unerringly I am (they've finished off * gg *), I might have tried even earlier times. ... Maybe ...
After an hour the fun Ten (After enemy forces had to withdraw almost, because our army was simply viiiiel better), our midnight battle force (along the lines of "I head - you nothing!") Of in the control hut accommodated, and probably pretty frustrated militia disbanded. As was once again the "friend and helper" spoken. His word is law here, if you want to barter later no trouble. Well ... was nice but you still. For all I now every night! )) The photos were taken. Depending on the quality and access, I will as soon as I can make pure ma ... Again! ... Always happy ... yes, I can right again ... but ne .. . ma shall perhaps go to sleep ... the tu'n people so at this oh so un-Christian time ... Good night, good fight!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Side Effects Of Too Many Walnuts

strange experience on the night shift ...

I did again yesterday night shift and about 4 clock in the morning a scary experience. It was night (is on night shift just so, non-* lol *) and dark, because I can make the most of the lights.

I was on the second floor when I heard a cry. I could not assigning non, because it does not sound human, and her for a pet I know it did not sound too ...

I like this: * Scary *
So I'm in the stairwell, there was the outcry then * even louder * double-creepy and I thought "omg what is coming up the stairs"? * Scary *

Then there was a cat shot up, which has so screamed and it sounded really zero after calming cat. I only: * * waaaaahhh pulse to 180 ..

Fortunately it was ne dear all, has let petted and is after me ^ ^

gone So I took them down transported to the EC, opened the door and we stood together by 4 clock in the morning at the main entrance and have seen the snow.

Initially, groped them critically with a paw the snow and did not want to get out. After a minute she has but then decided to go and I was quiet again: D

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How Convection Works In Refrigerator

flocculates it.

Yesterday I could for the first time this beautiful sparkling crystal parts - also known as snow - see the Moscow sky trickle down. HACH. Dat was also times time. As it was so hot in September, I've already briefly doubted whether am I landed in the right country or whether the plane made a swing through the Caribbean and has left us as easy.

time for the snow I am also the same time, as is fitting for my sensitive immune system, a cold. Clean. Is grad rum ne flu season and I had already given the fact that she has avoided me ... Today I stayed home because of time and was driving the white viewing outdoors unfortunately only through the window of my sixth floor of. Nice people came to visit me and brought me all sorts of health-expectant past stuff. In such moments, his sick-sometimes quite enjoyable. )) ... Against a cold weekend, however, is a little inconvenient, tactically unwise and, understandably, rather disturbing. Therefore I do everything possible to be up tomorrow evening weggehtauglich. It may all existing thumbs down.)

With these words I ever thank you in advance, wish you good night (/ morning / afternoon depending on ... Latitude, ne) and say to me now quite a familiar language "Daswidanie!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Revlon Custom Creations Acne

All you need is Kai .. plum?

It seems to me now that I must first go abroad to acquaintances, friends or to make soul-mates. Said yes is a bit safer. I mean, now I live now been almost three years out of a suitcase in strange and yet so damn familiar cultures in parallel worlds away from what ... I got home my family and friends make it clear even to some extent could. Since it is only natural that you meet new people with whom you are so necessarily connected somehow feel ... people, who must also find their way through this emotional chaos of self-discovery ...

But I will not digress. Yesterday me is something completely unexpected happened to Tolles. Thought I'd get paid the night NEN little visit. Was, in my view more than I had expected. I danced as if it were my life and I felt again like twenty. Yes sounds from the pen of a twenty-four something unusual ... but who has ever studied as a German citizen in the Russian-speaking countries, will understand me. Here are all making their latest, with 22 already completed and are already married with a maximum of 24 if non already in anticipation of early stage ... yes or divorced again ... turn it's like you want, you FÜ hlt extremely old, when all students at least two to four years younger and run in the same semester.

But that is indeed the non-present, what I wanted out ... On the way home in the metro - verpeilt pretty, but I was still in top shape (Olaf slept the sleep of the righteous ... has taught me the way, still non-dancing .... the alphabet, most recently, he even denies it ever having been able ... dat is probably nothing more ...* gg *) - I led with the one (now) friend nor a stimulating conversation ... so one, which one gives himself so fully and completely and does not on its wider environment. Suddenly - I can not remember what it was - something directed at a fraction of a second off my view to the left ... I looked out again and could not quite believe my eyes ... I began to stare at that person right across from me, because I did not understand a short time ... confusion ... a short time later, it struck me like scales from his eyes, my old friend, whom I know from Minsk, who is from Berlin ..... MORNING AT SEVEN IN HALF THE MOSCOW METRO ... IN THE SAME WAGON ... BIAS AGAINST .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We fell into his arms and I felt momentarily like a show from Kai plum or so ... well, people were definitely something to look at and I saw - which happened very rarely in Russia - strangers smile at me out of sheer emotion ... this in turn touched me and made me even more than untwisted I was already so far ... everything is a bit much of course. I've never been so wide awake after a night of drinking and fit as on that evening. And then I say one more, he believed in destiny pffffff non ...!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Doorbells For Hard Of Hearing

home Beatz and cockroaches ...

A week can be pretty short. Especially if you came to settle his visa issues to spend some time with his family, friends and relax look again ... but as so often is hoped to relax tension ....)) The trip by car to Frankfurt Consulate makes every Lucky Luke look pale. An odyssey on the highway in the pouring rain, the view on the Minimal, reduced congestion, if we had to urgently go to the bathroom and the only way out of the side lawn and the adjacent forest were ... I instinctively sought out the thousand exits the right one. Yes, Germany is a paradise for map reading-objectors. Signposts were great. The consulate then everything went smooth. Somehow too smooth. I wanted the whole non-trust so completely. But in fact: wait two minutes after I had filed the friendly officials, fearing a rejection of the immediate issue of visas for some time my pain, but actually I thought my (WOW!!) RIGHT new visa in hand. And I was like, how? And that was present or what? ... Hard to believe that should be good after all the stress I had here with now everything ...
was fine at home. I think I've never been so happy to read at the landing, the words "Stuttgart". I beamed like a Cheshire cat. Everything was pretty surreal, because I really should not be there. That was not the plan. Then I spent two days working my Jet paint (you spell that right?) Get rid of. This was probably because that on the night of my departure to Stuttgart, the clocks were set back by one hour and then in Germany again for two hours. It is strange, if your Body tells you something completely different from the Clock. Dizziness and nausea.
Have also done all the things I really wanted to do: spend some time with my family, took a bath, ate doner NEN, slept in a large saubequemen bed, watching TV, was at the hairdresser, ate pizza, of course, met all the people who were important to me that still live in Tübingen and the surrounding area .... but ultimately you have to confess that the anticipation is still the greatest joy. It stayed there as a consolation for all)). And
arrived here and glad the Marshrutka-torture from the airport to the university and then the relatively long walk (with a heavy suitcase each walk is long ...) to manage my front door and slipped into pajamas, it must I know that we have cockroaches, most recently as a PG ... yes ... COCKROACHES ... this nasty black nasty, half crawling, half-crawling beasts that are achieved at Ner Ekligkeitsskala of one to ten loose 'ne twenties. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!", what I thought. This Jana and Anya stood at my door. When Jana told me about the dismal customer had handed me Anja their anti-cockroach-paste that smells just as bad as it sounds, which I then summarily in the living area of these despicable creatures (in the bath under the shower tray) generously distributed ... Ugh! ... nor have I seen any. Acquaintance was allowed to present only my neighbor to make two of them, which they destroyed a short hand. The second was probably because of where he came zurückgeflüchtet ... it will be interesting. But if you first made friends with the thought of these unwanted guests is, one can somehow bear's pretty good ... well ... you be interesting be.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Spa Waxing Staph Infection

Time has jet propulsion ...

Wow! 've Been present here on NEM month. And already I feel so at home here than I would have never lived anywhere else ... is so strange how quickly the man but used to adapt to new situations .... Is probably the self-protection mechanism for homesickness or something ...

What is actually in the short time that I'm here because not everything has already happened. My brain can store these vast amounts gar nich. Of these people can sing a song around me already, if they like Gaja wiedermal two days ago, shared an experience told and I have the feeling I heard something completely unknown ... either I am now really old and it was lately perhaps all a bit much ... much of anything.

to my long-awaited Leningrad concert was me. Thanks to my bodyguards and Ali Jovi * gg * we made it up to the stage. The price for this were indeed some Fußquetschungen and rib contusions, but it was worth in any case. )) Last weekend we finally arrived in St. Petersburg. Oh man .. a dream ... a visual orgasm, so to speak ...* gg *... or common words, a delight, is second to none. The boat trip a la Venice on our first (Super-Sun-perfect weather) day, I drove the tears in his eyes as the tour guide (or how else the lady called, the one with in such a Sight-seeing Tours their knowledge happy ... my German has first gaps ... all languages at once to the same well is probably an unexpected custody adjustable dream ...) match at the end also a heartbreaking of Pushkin's poems on St. Petersburg for the best exist. Hachja ... against Moscow, the city acts like a village, idyllic, quiet .... .... soooooooooo ruuuuiiiiihg ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhiiig. )) I want nothing around away. To be fair, I have to add that I am on the way back then but to have got at home ... by the chaos, Rempel masses of people ... that is my earnest. I recommend just any oppurtunities for both cities to behold even ma ... containing nothing of foreign influence á la "da shit ... and there is non ..." Yes ...

hm ... nu and I sit there ... have experienced so much ... because you will communicate this to the world. ... And sits and sits ... and wat was it again because ...?... huh ... that's what I said earlier ... brain like sieve, because too much is by ... well ...

The current situation: the running around is coming to an end. It remains to be my student metro card request (Request by e-wipe fill so ... no easy task, maintain, collect, forward * gg *), but today I actually got the right students plan. A great honor was given to me when I finally walked through the holy door of the Ethnological Institute (after a long hike and requests) and me, the competent lady there too friendly (!) My questions not answered. The sum of all this was more like a miracle, a beautiful dream and non-reality of Moscow. Now, the completely pointless running around and wonders why a non-lecture again takes place at last to an end. I HAVE A PLAN. I love plans. Ok, my friend and helper. We have always known, but rather a more subtle way. The experience here has us together even closer ...))

The new semester is here, fresh in the old . So I stride towards him toootaaaaal motivated (hopefully for a long time * gg *), full of energy and youthful (young at heart * gg *) zeal. And so I wish all other Students a successful and above all interesting semester. And the lovely Justine a happy student life. )) Tschakaaa!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Apple Shaped Place Mats

* *

---> I \u0026lt;----
Yes, I'm pissed off ...!
But now times really.

There's the PC that is now almost three weeks there is again bitchy. .... And how the diagnosis tells me that presenting any hardware fault and I should I contact the manufacturer .... na fabulous.
I thought first: you Formatierst it a try.
And now comes the HAMMER! The two DVD's are supplied EMPTY !!!!!
Yes, empty! The guy on the phone tells me that I own the backup DVD's should have done. Hello? Where if you please me to know?
Well, you can read it in the manual!
manual? * Look around * * no manual-da *
And now ??????

morning I call to the Acer people what I rated benefits cost a lot of money to the good 0180 numbers, nerves and will likely to come no farther. Who then come to that: they send the unit! Yes, great! I have almost 40 GB of data on the thing * Email * heul And woe to me not a set of operating system. I shall, I shall, I KICK YOU !!!!!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

1st Birthday Invitation Cards

tipping .... baby sleep

Today I was at the newly opened Forum (Latin for Mark's Square) in the city center.
A really great, new complex with a huge selection of shops. Here is a Saturn has put up and * dada * here today I get a USB stick with 4GB for 6 €. I think that (outside of the Internet) a really good price.

line (actually, I wanted to go to sleep) show I live on WDR Domian.
I do not show the series regularly, do not even know when to run, but whenever I accidentally hang stay tuned, it's really interesting.
just was one that seeks a normal guy who shares her passion for anime XD
then was a woman (47) (burnt food, forgotten errand etc) of her husband beaten for small transgressions with the crop is. * Drop * He says in the biblical sense .... Domian (and me) are of course agree that it's rather out of sexual stimulant .... and now howls around a girl that her friend would have again. * Tipping * Well, you should take the other problems so serious, but because Ex on TV call, I find it completely idiotic.
Domian tells her straight that it's not actually the one working with the ex is still friends afterwards. * Hehe * I'm natural talent ... my ex-boyfriends, almost all have good contact with me.

bääähhh, even that late. I should go to bed * wink *

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How To Make A Citten Playhouse


jaaaaaaa, I finally between illness, PC could build (yes, it's finally arrived) and normal life on the 8th Part of repellency finish.
The part comes on Friday Animexx on. Have

on Monday really made me more secure in LIDL a puzzle roll and I ordered two puzzle already on the web. Now the föhliche Puzzleln bald losgehen.

Master Locks Sales Toronto

senseless shedding of blood ... To all interested

I dunno if you's did ... But I'll go this week (October 26) for a few days back in his native plains. Yesterday I bought for my aircraft. German Wings was back in ma Sondergangebot. They are also always up for a little surprise at the booking end ... they call it "extra services" ... but anyway, after all the stress, the back and forth .. after I failed all official and unofficial agencies have scoured to find out, had that Helsinki would be cheaper and non-mandatory only stressful, and I am here because of all the stress present even got sick, I beschhlossen to go home.

Otherwise I have now the Pushkin Museum and the young woman paid a visit to the monastery. Have there on the "celebrity graveyard" there next Chruschtschov, Yeltsin and Chekhov also my favorite Russian writer Bulgakov attended (see picture * gg *).
And for nothing I was present at this miserable AIDS test. I would have needed even for Helsinki. Had somehow n queasy feeling about it. Then again eternal wait, after I had to pay a fee equivalent to nine euros. So when this woman who scolds the nurse and has more resemblance to a boxer as a medical assistant to stamping the corner, I was overcome once the urgent need me as soon as possible from the dust to make. She looked with her unfriendly look around us waiting, locked the door and as she prepared everything already inside them cried out that the Next ever to come inside. So unfortunately I was meant. I stammered quickly a quick prayer to heaven into me. Then I was even told me before this yellowed arm cushion set. Without many words, she whipped it holds out my right arm and puts it roughly on the pillow. My question, if not perhaps the other arm ... maybe because vein more visible ... etc. .. was summarily ignored. Within seconds she had already squeezed my upper arm. Oh yeah, this drama could look on the way, all the other people waiting and a few other onlookers, as the door was wide open and not discreet curtain or the like was available. But I was then not matter. I was hoping simply that I am healing from the whole thing get out again. I came with a brief "I'm scared" out of what she said with a condescending look and immediately zustach. I felt like a piece of meat at the butcher. Everything happened very quickly. The only really verbal communication between us was born when they give me a cotton ball soaked in alcohol slammed on my wound and it asked if I might feel dizzy. I "felt short for 'and answered this question. Was but a "why should it?" Section. After having an almost bored "No" heard, the next they shouted to the slaughterhouse. Ground clearance. In that moment I was just grateful to be living in Germany and the right to a medically correct care to have. Take things always so out of course. Here are the priceless privileges. Ohja ...

way ... if my avatar with sunglasses should ensure irritation: we have already 15 ° C and bright sunshine, so which one do without difficulty. Moreover, today made the heating in our rooms ... I am blessed ...))

Sunday, September 21, 2008

How To Build A Burl Coffee Table

Moscow comrades * gg *:

 Concert Berliner Kammerchor Chorikos together with the choir of the Humanist Institute in Moscow Tsereteli Gallery, Moscow Friday, 09/26/2008 - 18:30 clock Prechistenka ul 19, Moscow In the context of intercultural exchange project "Berlin-Moscow. A musical encounter, "the foundation of the German-Russian Youth Exchange - promoted by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Eastern Committee of German Business was the Berlin Chamber Choir sings Chorikos together with the choir of the Moscow Humanities Institute a concert at the Tsereteli Gallery. Look forward to a concert that connects the Russian and German choral culture fresh and enthusiastic. Represented will be: Tchaikovsky and Brahms - the great romantics, Taneyev and Rheinberger - national variables as well as Shostakovich and Distler - composers under totalitarian regimes. 

>>> is because unfortunately non-point, since I * gg * that day laaaaaaider already have a date with Leningrad ...))... hihi ...

Littlest Pet Shop Dressing Up Games

, sleep

Da ich es irgendwie geschafft habe 13....ich wiederhole 13 Stunden zu schlafen (erst gegen 16.00 Uhr aufgestanden bin) und ich morgen früh schon um 5.30 Uhr raus muss, kann ich es heute Nacht mit dem Schlafen vergessen.
Ich hasse es....warum muss ich morgen auch ins Leichtathletik-Stadion *heul* Kein Lust, keine Lust, keine Lust....*doppel-drop*

Heute wollte ich eigentlich SO VIEL tun, wurde dann aber von den blöden Acer-Games abgelenkt. Ich wollte ja auch nur mal in die vorinstallierten Games auf den PC reinschauen und dann.....hing ich jetzt knapp 7 Stunden an scheiß Turbo Pizza und Chuzzle fest *umkipp*
Aber na ja, ich habe ja schließlich noch die ganze Nacht Zeit *drop*

PS: Is anyone really have noticed how expensive the Lätta turn out? It used to be they get for 99 cents at Plus, now it costs EUR 1.39 * * Geldabschneider

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mild Hiv Rash Look Like

dot, dot, comma, semi ...

Yes, yes, it is a writing.
Now that my symptoms slowly subside, I am writing this part for the new rejection.
wait Otherwise, I like stupid to the new PC .... delivery problems * puke * When they had nothing better to do more to ensure that someone is there who can take a package.

What's more? God, I remember nothing more of a straight, except that the laundry is piling up and I should ever wash again and then I have on monday to Lidl, because there is a puzzle role for 5,95 Euro and I wanted so long to have one. * Happy * Alas I do not get more ....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How To Get Rid Of A Face Rash

Have you hit or butterflies ...?

If you are degree encouraging way to Klos, so listen carefully but ma it. And how many layers is your favorite toilet paper? With or without fragrance? And what is more important: your name ... Can you dance? Those who question here "no" answer, which is in all probability not had the benefit of a Waldorf school. Is actually 'ne good thing if you want to create in the club type of tedious throat. He arrives, you expressed some licked award. You stand in front of bored and disgusted. Then he asks for your name and you loose your mind. Ready for the movies. For this reason, I've got it made me present to the new task to learn my name to dance. The dear Olaf, former Waldorf student who can fluently dance names * lol * wants to teach me the present ... but thought my name might be a particularly difficult long program. I thought the I shall get out already. Those who present
asks if I may, before this entry taken any hallucinogenic drugs to me, who has non a point. Do not worry Mom, it was just a bit of vodka in a relaxed atmosphere, garnished with homemade pancakes and Smetana (Russian pancakes with cream ... mnjammnjam). A very normal evening dorm just ...))

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Congratulations For Marriage In Germany

impressions of my everyday life ...

my university (... only the main building ...)

... my Minsk is simply unbeatable!

... who can resist those eyes ...? * Gg *

Even Lenin had 'ne spot for Pepsi ...))

Jana, moi, Gaja

... how can you only build something beautiful ...? * Hach *

The Wall * gg *

... on the city's birthday ... bikini weather ...))

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pinky And The Brain Costume Ideas


Today I feel not good * drop *
Bin at 14.00 clock came home and did my feet hurt more than when I'm maschiert for 13 days through San Francisco. I then rinsed, cleaned, washed clothes and cooked food ... and I'm at 18.30 clock fell dead into bed. Woke up

I'm back at 22.30 clock with so, so, soooooooooo precious head on headache. My nose is kind of on and no matter how much I drink, the throat is always dry. Sickening feeling.

Now I can not sleep of course and hang the whole Time with pain emden head around the internet. Tomorrow comes the new PC, because then set it again to be asked to tipping * * while I'm not in the mood for nothing ...

PS: Wanted to upload the daily times Musikvdeos by Kinya Kotani, TM Revolution and Iceman ... so maybe some of the names with Gundam Seed and Gravitation ^ ^
connect So drop by if you are interested in the videos.

Oh yes .... who wants to reach me on MSN, this can be happy about doing, " Please state in your request to any known test word such as Live Journal, Watashi, or the like, because I am not stranger to in principle.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ap Bio Cell Respiration Lab Graph

Have you been there?

... all the critical question that has in recent days / two weeks of well placed every newcomer here. Internet cafe is just too expensive in the long run, annoying, uncomfortable (sometimes has it here so negative a thousand degrees ...* gg *). After I initially loudly complained on the floor of the absence of the Internet, we have grown faster than we could find broadcast. For since there was one, the one that knew this ...)) (see picture would not be detected), the Internet should then be followed on the same day or one of us. From then on, we heard nothing from him erstma one weeks. Hach I, the Russian reliability love ..! And then suddenly out of nowhere he stood armed with a ski stick in his hand, he passed me at once. With this "tool" should be led by "Angel" (from a room two Floors above me) falling cable caught. For this I had to just put on the window sill and dat me and things stretch out as far as possible and if possible try not to fall out. The felt three tons of heavy cable, which fell down because of me, that was no easy task. But by joining forces we finally maneuvered it into my room. Since I still thought "cool, I will have Internet ".... far from it. so I first had the cable from the outside through a tiny hole feinstsäuberlich still down in my room and on my PC was connected. The cable itself does not have the Internet. So I waited every evening, as Mr. Internet Man day in and day out promised "this time sure" to come and finally finish the Schose. When he claimed the same thing again today, I then of course the non understandably taken very seriously.

Well ... hereby wish to reveal only a very short time my joy, surprise, surprise and delight the world and put me completely exhausted, like every night to bed.

Spokojnoj Nochi (= Good night)

PS: A big shoutout goes out of here Just rabbit! : * ... Have no fear, forget you ... and because of the non-room and you had to do not worry if I somehow supposed to travel to Germany, I'm so NEN living and sleeping space. )) ... Everything is jut the way ... I'm still very jealous because of the Coldplay concert ...((

Monday, September 8, 2008

Emt Training In Loganville, Georgia

Swap big fat down jacket against

If it were possible for the day preceding section University of the Metro, or simply to get only one road along with sights mileage, I'd probably outdated now for next year. It borders on a downright Wonder my feet are still non-energized. You tell a Russian, if you ask him about the way that the whole "blízko" is so close, then you can at least a 15-minute walk set ...

experienced Moreover, the Moscow Autumn here his new spring-summer ... or better. As you can probably think the way I have of course written only thick sweaters, warm jackets and boots packed. Mentally I had prepared myself for a long time ago on snow storms and temperatures far below zero and ... then +30 ° C!! ... Here is definitely what is going wrong. If this keeps up, I have to buy urgently NEN skirt and shorts, other day I go in here. I sleep at night even with the window open ... and who knows me can imagine now how incredibly hot it is for me frostbite to be here .* gg *

... well, my life starts here. With heat, unfriendly officials to send me senseless from A to B, with disappointment, happy surprises, towering buildings, the one still amazed when they saw the hundredth time already has, with cheap phone calls at home and abroad thanks to super-provider "MegaFon" to unhealthy fast food, because the time barely enough to breathe, with innumerable impressions which exceed my capacity, with ; a permanent state of exhaustion due to sleep deprivation, which are compensated only with enough alcohol and short-term trick can * gg *, with blisters on his feet, with daily head-shaking from lack of understanding about the practice here, and lots of nostalgia ... it creates hardly process it all and is already busy in the middle brought all to enjoy, since it is over soon. ... And every night (NIGHT), one wonders where the day is still there, where many long 24 hours ... and hinverflogen morning you can not always take it when the alarm is already ringing. It must act is a mistake ... ne, again the highest railway! So you jump into the shower (not that that would bring in the weather ever was), again in front of the closet wondering what to wear in this weather because only could decide in the short term for the bikini and then forcing it in the trousers ...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

How To Make An Aviator Bag

cocktail dress from "Youth Connections" is not recommended ...

Hm .. actually had initially thought that this would be a more positive first entry ... I had already written here on Monday it would have been even a very euphoric. Once in the terminal I luckily n girl from Holland, which also opened in Moscow to study, was accosted, I also had ne ride, as my faculty in Moscow had pretty much shit on me and no one FS , r I was there. And of course my suitcase large and heavy and difficult to transport in the metro .... we are good then by car 40 (!) min have been on the road then the driver has ordered me n taxi because the girl had to ne other university. Then he called me and denied it for the thing with the driver, I had to pay only 10 €. Was' n nice guy this taxi driver. An Armenian. Very talkative. I even wore my case directly to the front door of this huge University Buildings and gave me his number, once said that if what is, then I should call him. Well, behold once thought, and I entered. All this had me even if only briefly distracted by all the chaos around me. Since I knew not that something should be there so everything coming at me ...

then went to the University of the chaos going on right ... until I found the right body. People thought yes non help me out. Just before the nervous breakdown I then also said the available room, where I had to report me. And then I stood there and stood there waiting .... ... so slow and I was the last straw. In addition, I also knew how long non-cooperation of the my bladder would go away .... still would have been disastrous ... the place I'd ... well ... no one occupied the verge of a Mo ; rampage resembled my hand and many pathetic SMSs to my mother heard, Heimatliches German in my ear ... THANK GOD!, I thought. In hindsight, I can say the two were my salvation in all respects. Today I know I would have to apply to business school. Where is all that is by completely organized. Who namely Olga. The woman is a gift. I do not know what I would have done without them. I probably would still pending in some completely random coil, which leads to nowhere ... My Faculty scherrt in fact NEN damn about me.

The screamer is yet to come: it turned out pretty quickly (after a few days coming up in some snakes), that people from the Frankfurt consulate issued me the wrong visa. YES! As a target in my visa is namely "Youth Connections" and not as real as "semester abroad" ... given the Schlaubis ... I was a newcomer in Russian realms so suspect previously non that I go to not far wü rde ... or go far, but would go back again ... haha (when I heard about it I found it quite as non- funny) ... after I was sent by a "responsible" to the other and me all just the same has been said (you have to leave), which cost me the last nerve, and n few tears, was Just finished. You feel helpless and abandoned. Meanwhile, I've caught me again ... now I start again to work. 'll Scour nochma all the offices and then to find the cheapest solution. And then I thought me: hey, you're in the country of corruption! Since it must be what drehn with the militia here. We must stop here to think ... oh so German gaze times ... one after another. I I must add, because I can change's, unfortunately, does not operate ...

... Well ... that with the militia, I've been off my makeup ... are indeed corrupt, but responsible in any way. So am today at noon for a DAAD ('m stipend). There was briefly a wonderful feeling again legally seen German territory to feel under their feet. Yes, it feels very different. : P are united in the huge building, my beloved Goethe Institut and the German Embassy. Great! The responsible was the DAAD really nice and has really tried to help me. I was allowed by it directly from the Russian Consulate in Frankfurt a. M. Call.
followed by an unexpected lift the receiver on the other side an equally unexpected Russian conversation, for the German man on the other side of the handset was non. Wat the heck I thought I was sweating and me during my detailed explanation of sheer excitement from one. If, however, may be due to the heat that exists here for three days. And in Moscow. Yes, a city full of surprises and controversies. But back to topic: the gentleman was very nice. But since he knew non, but if I stay present in the country may and might send over my passport by courier, etc., can should I nochma call in 'half an hour. I did so, after a coffee and several cigarettes to calm. He then said that it would be ok from you, but that required by the laws of the Russian Federation that I use for a PIN method at least once in my feet and it only cost a few inches Sun but would have to move across the border.
brought the Lady of the DAAD me then finally to my current outstanding idea at the lowest capital cost for new visa to come: RIGA! Yes, dat I'll present. I'm going to Riga. Jovi, one of the first two people (Deutschen. could mistake the present ... .. it is non-* gg *) I've met here has probably present before, when he gets up to that its multi visa to come along . He is probably one of the few people who travel to Moscow and take a Riga travel guide with them. )) And maybe you can from there will return to Helsinki to St. Petersburg, Russia ... dat Janze should be worth it, could not it. * Gg *... naja behold ... times. But now I'm definitely calmer ... viiiiel quiet. I have another plan. Life takes its course returned to normality. And I agree with this Chaos history with one of my favorite Russian phrases: Все будет хорошо! (= Everything is good). would

And honestly, if all the other events overshadow not be so: here I've got a great time. 've Met very nice people. The university is a monument. I got myself accustomed to the size still non of times I look, too. Unbelievable. 'm In a cloak-and-dagger operation after a Sauftour seen spontaneously release the Kremlin. The feeling of seeing that I can not believe just in words. For me, so that a small Dream a reality. )) Are only ten minutes to layer in the pit for a short moment and then when we had five minutes to run back to the metro and destroy us laugh (we should) - it was for me one of the happiest moments * lard / *.... Ahja shall drop, but it's the little moments that sometimes mean very very fortunate ... blah ...* still called multi * * gg * I quit My first entry before I am completely rather sentimental yet. : P

Thursday, August 21, 2008

How To Make Bath Mat Stick

not genuine? Really? * * Seeeeeeeeeeeeufz!

Okay, vexatious issue for me. But since I was really speechless again * ggg * ^ ^ And this is what I'm hot

chronic Nägelkauerin: P I chew since I can remember and have them only rarely long. Every few years time. But then they are bright white and when they are painted, they are already an eye catcher.

Anyway, I had a few months long, and now again. Two questions were also asked me then and now:

- "Are your nails really real?"
- "Where you can because you make the nails?"

Okay, that's still ... acceptable. Sorry the nails are not the only one on me, that was considered spurious.

Now to my hair * * crying I long have hair, brown hair with blond highlights and the bottom hair layer (not the tips, but the hair layer * g *) is black, so shines forth among the blond hair is always something black. If I have a pony tail is still to be seen better.

Okay, last week I was asked in all seriousness: * not-always-take-no-can *

- "your black hair is really angeschweist?"

And I only: O.O "Please ??????" What I've

deserve this? * Pffff * It is for me a nervous Of state, let me grow long nails and my hair - yes, just by the hair * lol * - I'm vain, must be good.
And then, after all the work and Haarewascherei nervous, I'll ask * something *... jammer wanted

The world is unfair XD

Friday, August 8, 2008

Fastest Startup Router

spiders Update

[info] kathleen_erin some pics of the spiders. Meanwhile, there are 7, but I can take pictures of all non ^ ^

first Theraphosa blondi - This is the one which can sometimes reach a body length of up to 14cm. Until now it has maybe 6-7.
second Brachypelma vagans - as it has still be looking ^ ^ For now, she has eingebuddelt and wants to show any more.
third Can very brave spider, as we see here * lol * take out one without problems - Grammostola rosea .
4th Citharischius crawshayi - a subterranean spider that was initially outside because she had to settle first. But now she has dug a cave and is very aggressive at fault * lol *

So, that's it. From Brachypelma Smithi I have no image and also on the Brachypelma Albopilosum & Grammostola aureostriata none. Someday ... ^ ^

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Where Can I Get Laundry Bag In Chennai

free ... Free ... Free

[info] ukumai grad asked me: 'If ? The Nin holiday "-> With Nin am I meant, not that you wonder ^ ^

And yes, I have more than enough even

It looks like this:

03.07.08 - 08.07... 08 -> Accommodations
09:07:08 - sick> because OP
28/07/2008 - - 07/27/2008 11:08:08 -> Accommodations

Räkel * * all I can not say * ggg * I enjoy it

Monday, July 28, 2008

Difference Between Impetigo And Allergic

Theraphosa blondi spider

! . Joah are, by now there are 5 spinning * *

cough Anyway, the T. blondi my pride and joy is the largest Vogelspinnenart and a real killer * waha *

get the times - if it is fully grown - a body length of 11-14cm and a leg span of 30
My course is even smaller. Has not only a body length of 7 cm, perhaps. But she is already a killer ^ ^

It has skinned two weeks ago and I've now been fed well. Over the last three days she has destroyed three locusts. Has a healthy appetite So the little girl.

She seems in her terrarium feel good and I also hope that the remains * loves *

Monday, July 21, 2008

What Does The Hippo Sing In Madagascar

Two weeks ago I was a hater of spiders and found the creature more than disgusting. And now? Now I have even two tarantulas * lol *

Murphy is still small and is a Brachypelma smithi and Lilly is medium in size and a Brachypelma vagans.

If my cobbled corner shelf was finished, my spider go up a number of well * cough *

I think if you look right, the animals in a terrarium, they do not look so disgusting, but more elegant. I would certainly not think I ever in a terrarium sum up, in which a spider sitting * gg *

And I love it: D

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

سيريال Nti Cd & Dvd-maker

New animals

Bales and I went shopping - new animals - and came out here:

Alice - Rat
Alice - Image (in Bales' hands)
Alice - Video

Matilda - Matilda spider
- Image
Matilda - Video

If she is not süüüüß? : D Okay, the majority is probably disgusting * lol *

Monday, July 14, 2008

What Is The Best Sailboat For One Person


find So, last Wednesday I had my surgery on the wrist and it was okay ^ ^

Bin there, and then got the first one infusion set * get * ouch! ! and then the same time sedative. The doctor said that some people flake out after just one dose, well, it's me not start: D So again 'ne dose. But am still non-away and then there was something right and away was I when was only for 10 minutes * rofl *

The local anesthesia injected through the armpit * choke-jammer-wine * and the operation I have nothing noticed.
The doctor said afterwards that scar tissue has formed and the tendon was completely surrounded them, so I was nothing around my thumb even move properly (he 'jumped' in the middle of the movement, the tendon had to fight extremely poor * lol *) and had such pain. That is nearly gone, it healed well and I am the whole month full of sick ^ ^

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Congratulations Quotes For Promotions

Happy Birthday ...

... [info] ukumai ! ♥

I wish you all the best for your birthday and I hope that you can celebrate beautiful!

unpack Have fun gifts, cakes and eat while enjoying the bad weather - so you stand on something like that * lol * ♥ * *

knuuuuuuuuuuuutsch ♥

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Formal Dress Shops In Northern Ireland

Happy Birthday ...

... [info] cassy79 !

All the best for your birthday! Your new notebook looks so real great! And the pillow is just cute * g *

Hope you can celebrate properly and will just as gifted neat! ♥

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Uk Government Campaigns Against Smoking

The weather is bad ...

...* sigh *

It was so nice the last few days and now? 15 degrees and rain. And it is cloudy and not nice: /

I have nothing against the 15 degrees, so I can live with, but then at least I want to have sun: D

the weekend the weather will remain so remains poor. Since then I Crawl in bed and rest eeeeeeelendig long off!

Bales again and maybe make homemade pizza for me * * mmmmmmhh

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Country With The Largest Average Breast Size

sheliarania @ 2008-06-11T21: 45:00

Behold... My Future
I will marry RicmanX .
After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in Atlantica in our fabulous Apartment .
We will have 21 kid (s) together.
Our family will zoom around in a white Fiat 500 .
I will spend my days as a teacher , and live happily ever after.
whats your future

After 21 children, I am definitely clinically dead! O.O

Monday, May 19, 2008

Jet Airways And Credit Card Uk

Operation: (All kinds of sheet music ....

Na super. My wrist is not better and today I was back to the doctor. Who has examined it again and set an operation.
On 3 July, I must come, then X-rayed and the OP discussed. On 9 July, he snips it around on me * sigh *

is The only positive that it takes place after my practical exam ...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Night Owl Camera Power Cable

had yesterday once more a practice visit. My teacher came and looked over my shoulder and then again gabs a note.
It was the last office visit before the test. Only 7 weeks and then the real thing * sigh *

The office visit went well. My teacher was my aseptic dressing changes, my movement therapy satisfied and body care and has given me a * 1.5 * happy: D

then came out for the half year report, but which is actually more of a witness, in which all the notes of the last 2 1 / 2 years in the calculation. I was better than expected, and yes, I was often called geek enough, so it saves me: P

- tasks and concepts in the elderly: 1.0
- supporting older people in the Lebensgesaltung 1.0
- Legal and institutional frameworks old nursing work: 1.0
- nursing as a profession: 1.0
- German 1.0
- life and faith issues: 1.0
- practice in the elderly: 2.0

I am satisfied * lol * But I thought I was bad, a little surprised ^ ^

Monday, April 21, 2008

Writing Prayers Of The Faithful For A Wedding


was so, after 9 weeks of pain - I know I'm stupid! - I am now even to the doctor who diagnosed tendonitis * sigh *
must now take to the supply store and get as a bandage and pain killers I have to * double-sigh *

The study was short in itself, but damn painful! Had to make a fist and then the dear uncle pressed doctor my wrist to the side and I could just have such a loud 'OW! " . Resist

If it is not better in three weeks, you have any columns or so. I just hope that it will be better, but I do not have much hope. I
'll go on working and since I work in a nursing home, the hand - even the rights and I'm right - yes, yet somehow always associated something.

Nya, simply wait, which is now out of it.

And my wrist still hurts * grumbling *

Friday, March 14, 2008

How To Get On Vampirefreaks On School Computers

Subsequent Geb Gift

AWWWWWWWW! One of the hottest

birthday presents came later today - by [info] sheppardgirl * mega-fleece *

Here is a picture of it and I think just super cool!

four of us at Sühsi in Austria

Again 'awwwwwwww'!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Best Songs To Sing In Retirement Party

Abby, Allison & Amy

So, here are the three sweeteners. They are already busy breaking out and trying. So far they have managed's not high on the glass and I hope that it will remain * lol *
A lid is in order ^ ^

first Amy
second Abby
third Alli

The images are a little blurry because I shot through the glass and have had very close ran.

* proud-mama-mice were

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Panasomic Vhs Camcorder Cartridge

New Pets

* Today Bales and I'm sitting in Mauk and he considered for some time, what for a pet, he set himself. In question was ne Spille * * wähhh, turtles, frogs and mice.
end, he has now decided for mice, and since I still have an old terrarium,'s I was also packed and I'm also three mice purchased D
you are now next to the cage of Jemmy and Chico and are very active * lol * A picture I have not yet, because first 6 mice in the enclosure jumping around - take 3 of them tomorrow evening Bales * g *

Hach yes, my parents, the crisis will get when they are once again in my apartment, but whatever. We only treat anything * ggg * I'm

Thursday, February 14, 2008

How Much Does A Racquetball Court Cost

hospital use

introduced since last week in the outdoors in the hospital and actually I did this to me quite different. I like it so far, unfortunately, not a bit: (
The first day - was last Monday - has already passed me somehow The station, on the. I work, is so packed with patients that new entrants must obtain a bed in the hall, because no room is free O.O
have been told to tell his colleagues, that some shut-ins who can not walk far, its business on a toilet seat do right in the corridor must. Moreover, these people are of one or the other nurse washed in the hall, because it 'inconvenient' is to put the patient into a bath ... which is then protected by folding screens, but let's face it, privacy is different.

The hospital, whose name I do not necessarily want to call, calls itself an acute care hospital. Well. It came a patient with severe pneumonia and respiratory distress. He needed oxygen, just stupid, that throughout the hospital no longer free or oxygen bottle was found. Wtf?

If a patient is demented and restless, or weglaufgefährdert, they are really part with drugs shot O.O Somehow something is not tolerated by his colleagues and with 'unacceptable condition "means. Ooookay ... I will personally have never experienced in the nursing home, residents Medis intends to be immobilized, unless it was really badly needed, what is included in the previous patient in the hospital was not in any case.

Colleagues complain about chaos and and oh sooooooo much stress and pain. I'm so sorry, but have ever worked correctly? Make ne hour lunch break and after 12.30 have to do something really hard and then they complain of stress O.O I stand there next to it and then only think the best part.
so many colleagues I would really like to see even on the vegetative state station from my nursing home, because there it is stressful. So we can be happy if you can take 10 minutes to take a break and you work until 13.30, only to quickly enter into Cardex yet to make surrender and go home at 14.00 clock.

I'm glad when I'm gone there again. It pleases me no little bit: (Can only hope that it is received differently in different hospitals

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dirtbike Plastic Models

New Tattoo

XD I've already written anything for ages and it just comes over me ... Therefore the new entry.

was second last week with Bales way and we can stand us both a new tattoo. I always wanted another, but it has somehow never arise. Well, now it worked and I am richer by a tattoo: D

first Tattoo still second with foil
tattoo without film (I have the picture taken with my phone, also I have it photographed from the side and therefore affect the stars are not perfectly symmetrical ^ ^ Do not be surprised: D)